


時(shí)間:2024-05-24 17:10:55 大學(xué)英語(yǔ)作文 我要投稿





  now he is combing his hair and being dressed in his best suit. it seems as if he was ready for a date. actually that s what he keeps considering these days. about a week ago, one of his friends taught him how to chat and make friends through the internet. and that was really important for him who can hardly get a date in the real world. so now as his first blind date approaches, his mind is full of imagination. very ecited and a little afraid, he begins the trip to the agreed place.

  what his net girlfriend is called sounds romantic red rose. and he thinks the girl has plenty of eperience and abundant knowledge. he has tried lots of methods and finally won her heart. now its time for a date. he even boasted to his friends how lucky he was. taking his coming wonderful romance for granted, he smiles at times on the trip.

  soon he gets to the destination, a lovely park. he can see someone holding a rose waiting there, and the rose is their password. he cant wait to rush to her, but as he comes near, he can tell that is in fact an old lady. oh, how can such an old lady be my red rose! he complains to himself. but theres nobody else nearby. and at that very moment, the lady finds him standing there still and probably in a daze. he feels cold and wants to get away from the embarrassing situation. hi, do you have a date here? the lady greets him. oh, sorry, i just went the wrong way. i have a date somewhere else... his legs trembling, his hands holding his rose at the back. oh, i see...the lady turns away and he quickly grasps the chance to slip a

  back to his study, he turns on his computer and changes his motto as follows: i will never believe the virtual romance any more!!! and what he does net is to put red rose into his blacklist.

  with a long sigh, he sits down, tired and hopeless. although its sunny outside, he feels his life in an endless darkness.

  簡(jiǎn) 評(píng)


  文章構(gòu)思巧妙,語(yǔ)言平實(shí),表達(dá)流暢,節(jié)奏明快,生動(dòng)幽默,有聲有色,可讀性強(qiáng),寓意深刻。值得一提的是主人公的心理刻畫真實(shí)、準(zhǔn)確、到位。一個(gè)心情經(jīng)歷波瀾起伏,由喜轉(zhuǎn)悲的`少年的氣惱的、狼狽的卻又無(wú)奈的形象躍然紙上,令人忍俊不禁。一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)的使用使文章更顯生動(dòng)、傳神。當(dāng)然,若能再略施筆墨,對(duì)劇中人物,尤其是“old lady”添加一些描寫,相信更能形成理想與現(xiàn)實(shí)的落差,突出對(duì)比的效果。


  Life is a journey. We will see different scenery and learn to grow up. Nobody can live easy life all the time, and they must have gone through some hard time. The one who can conquer the difficulty will be stronger. While those who can’t deal with the negative emotion will miss the beautiful scenery. Wise men can find the ways to remove bad mood.

  In the modern life, a lot of people do the same things every day, then the repeating routines are easy to frustrate them. They feel life is meaningful and why they have to sit in the office to work for a whole day. The negative emotion makes them lose themselves. At this time, they need to slow down their life pace. A trip is the best way to relax and forget about the annoyance. It opens your vision and helps you to find the answers.

  Talking to the families or friends is also a good way to relieve your bad emotion. We need someone to listen to us. With their support and caring, we will find the motivation to move on. Life is short, don’t be afraid of making change if you are not really satisfied with the current situation.


  several years ago i was diagnosed with cancer. it was the most difficult time i have ever faced. i think it was my sense of humor that allowed me to hold onto my sanity. like many people who have gone through chemotherapy, i lost all of my hair and i was bald as a cue ball. i always had enjoyed wearing hats, so when my hair deserted me, i ordered several special hats with the hair already attached. it was easy and i never had to worry about how my hair looked.

  i have always been a big golf fan. in fact, i have been to twenty-three straight u.s. opens. at one point during my cancer treatments, my husband john and i decided to get away from the cold minnesota winter and took a trip to scottsdale, arizona. there was a senior pga tour event called the tradition being played, and that seemed like just the ticket to lift my spirits.

  the first day of the tournament brought out a huge gallery. it was a beautiful day, and i was in heaven. i was standing just off the third tee, behind the fairway ropes, watching my three favorite golfers in the world approach the tee bo: jack nicklaus, raymond floyd and tom weiskopf.

  just as they arrived at the tee, the unimaginable happened. a huge gust of wind came up from out of nowhere and blew my hat and hair right off my head and into the middle of the fairway! the thousands of spectators lining the fairway fell into an awkward silence, all eyes on me. even my golf idols were watching me, as my hair was in their flight path. i was mortified! embarrassed as i was, i knew i couldnt just stand there. someone had to do something to get things moving again.

  so i took a deep breath, went under the ropes and out into the middle of the fairway. i grabbed my hat and hair, nestled them back on my head as best i could. then i turned to the golfers and loudly announced, gentlemen, the wind is blowing from left to right.

  they said the laughter could be heard all the way to the nineteenth hole.


  the sun shone bright onto my face, dancing on my eyelids.within a few seconds i opened my eyes to a new dayso full of promise and hope, just like the morning sunshine. however, the lovely day would have to be a sad one, for i'd have to leave my home for college.

  turning around, my mother fied her eyes on the phone.blinking back tears, she forced her attention elsewhere.mum got herself busy and did all the things she needed to do. still,my rare silence made the house strangely empty. however, like the fledgling, i had to fly away and find my place in the world.she knew this in her mind, yet her heart was still saddened.

  time marched on and there was nothing we could do to stop it. soon we were in the running car, feeling the warm breeze on our faces. maybe it's quite a suitable time to show love to each other, but neither of us said anything.

  the sun finally dipped below the horizon, and we were in different places.no calls from home, though i knew eactly what she was doing then. she must have turned away from the phone so as not to see it, and continued to do the endless house work as usual.

  no choice is perfect in the world. but i will always be grateful for the priceless gift that day gave me: the wisdom to know that all our eperience in life does not make us less but more able to love.


  With the improvement of our life, many people choose to eat outside rather than to cook by themselves. However, some people think that this phenomenon is not so good because we can be affected with some kinds of disease. For me, I think it is good for people to eat at home for it is more economical to cook by ourselves.


  First of all, cook by ourselves is more economical. Generally speaking, you have to spend more than 30yuan for each meal eating outside. But if you cook at home, you can just spend 10yuan perperson for each meal.


  Secondly, it will be cleaner to eat at home than eating outside. No matter what kind of restaurant, the common case is that you will eat food that is cooked by hog wash oil which will do harm to ourhealth.


  Thirdly, we can eat more healthy food with low calorie by cooking at home. Most food tends to contain high fat and calorie outside and the restaurants take little consideration to the food ingredient that contains less fat and calorie. On the contrary, if we cook at home, we will pay attention to our health condition and make food that contains less calories andfat.


  All in all, through the analysis above, it is obvious that we will benefit from eating at home. So, I think people should cook as often as possible in order to get a better health condition.



  Choosing Friends

  everybody has his some people like to choose friends who are different from themselves while others prefer those who are similar to each of the choices has its

  when people have friends similar to themselves, they and their friends can chat, play, and do things together the result is that they all feel relaed and can truly enjoy each others

  when a guy has friends different from himself, the advantage he has is that he can benefit from the contacts with different his friends may be different from him in character, education, occupation, social status, or political and religious from those friends, he can learn a lot of things that he has never eperienced himself and he can also enjoy being with thera when they know each other



  Bus:This is the most common transporting means, because it's so cheap andefficient. You can go to other cities by bus, but it's very slow in rush hours.And sometimes it's dangerous to take the bus, because the traffic accidents mayhappen at any time on high ways.

  公交車:這是最常見的交通運(yùn)輸工具,因?yàn)樗侨绱说谋阋撕透咝。你可以做公交車去別的城市但是在上下班高峰期是很慢的。 有時(shí)候坐公交車很危險(xiǎn),因?yàn)樵诟咚俟飞辖煌ㄊ鹿适请S時(shí)都可能發(fā)生的。

  Train:It's suitable for the long trip. Not only it is fast and convenient, but alsoit's so economical. Most people can afford it. What's more, it's more pleasantthan taking any other means of transportation. You can walk around and open thewindows on the train. Besides, you can have a rest when you feel tired. Andthen you'll get to your destination the next day.


  Plane:Air travel is very fast and enjoyable. It seems that our world is a small placeto live in, but it's too expensive for many people.


  Ship:Even though ship voyage is slow, it's still exciting, for one can enjoy thebeautiful scenery on the sea and feel the soft sea wind.


  Subway:It can be easily seen in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai. It's socomfortable, convenient and always on time. You can take it to every part ofthe city. As it's built underground, you needn't care about the traffic jams.Now it becomes more and more popular.



  1 What are the diseases that are rather genetically determined than developed because of unhealthy lifestyle?

  I think there are much more diseases developed because of unhealthy lifestyle than those genetically determined, such as high blood pressure, Obesity [obisti] and so on .

  2 People are born differently. What kind of person do you think you are, and what kind of life do you want to live?

  People are born differently. And I am lucky because I was born without genetically diseases. In order to have a healthy body , I want to live a healthy life with a good exercise, a well balanced diet, keep optimistic,and so on.

  3 Do you believe that a person’s potentialities are limited by his/her genes?

  I believe that a part of a person’s potentialities are limited by his/her genes. For example ,black people are strong in track and field events.

  4 Anything we can do to better/upgrade ourselves?

  Howerer, I believe that intelligence has nothing to do with gene. We ought to study hard and lead a healthy lifestyle for the sake of that we can do to better ourselves.












  開始部分(opening paragraph)——說(shuō)出文中的要點(diǎn)、核心問(wèn)題。

  正文部分(Body paragraphs)——圍繞主題開展敘述、討論。

  結(jié)尾部分(concluding paragraphs)——對(duì)全文的總結(jié)和概括。











  First, second, third,

  First, then / next, after that / next, finally

  For one thing … for another…,

  On (the) one hand…on the other hand,

  Besides / what’s more / in addition / furthermore / moreover / another / also,

  Especially / In particular,


  now, at present, recently,

  after, afterwards, after that, after a while, in a few days,

  at first, in the beginning, to begin with,

  later, next, finally,

  immediately, soon, suddenly, all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as, the moment

  form now on, from then on,

  at the same time, meanwhile,

  till, not…until, before, after, when, while, as during,


  now, in addition, for example, for instance, in this case, moreover

  furthermore, in fact, actually


  but, however, while, though, or, otherwise, on the contrary, on the other

  hand, in contrast, despite, in spite of, even though, except (for), instead, of course, after all,


  or, and, also, too, not only … but also, as well as, both… and, either …or, neither …nor


  because, because of, since, now that, as, thanks to…, due to…, therefore, as a result (of), otherwise, so…that, such…that


  as (so) long as, on condition that, if, unless


  though, although, as, even if, even though, whether …or…, however, whoever,

  whatever, whichever, wherever, whenever, no matter how (who, what, which, where, when, whom)


  for example, for instance, such as…, take… for example


  be similar to, similarly, the same as, in contrast, compared with (to)…just like, just as,


  for this reason,, for this purpose, so that, in order to, so as to,


  in deed, in fact, surely, certainly, no doubt, without any doubt, truly, obviously, above all,


  in a word, in short, in brief, on the whole, generally speaking, in my opinion, as far as I know, As we all know, as has been stated, as I have shown, finally, at last, in summary, in conclusion,


  1. in order to


  He worked very hard in order to realize his dream. 2. in order that


  She worked hard in order that everything would be ready by 6 o’clock..

  3. so…that


  They were all so tired that they could do nothing but yawn.

  4. such…that


  It was such a cold day that there was nobody on the street.

  5. would rather do…than do


  He would rather listen to others than talk himself.

  6. prefer doing to doing


  He prefers making speeches after careful preparation.

  7. prefer to do…rather than do


  Compared with women, men always prefer to sleep at home rather than spend so much time shopping.

  8. not only…but also


  In just three years, she had not only finished all the lessons, but also received her doctor’s degree.

  9. either…or


  You could either buy an MP3 or go to Yunnan for a visit if you pass the exam.

  10. Neither…nor


  He is a boring man. He likes neither entertainment nor reading.

  11. as well as


  He was kind as well as helpful.

  12. …as well


  The child is active and funny as well.

  13. One…the other


  Have you seen two pens on the desk? One is red, the other is black.

  14. Some…others


  Everyone is busy in classroom. Some are reading, others are writing.

  15. make…+adj /n


  What we do will make the world more beautiful.

  16. not…until


  I didn’t know the truth until she told me what happened.

  17. as if


  He talks a lot as if he knows everything.

  18. It is no use (good) doing…


  It’s no use pretending that you didn’t know the rules.

  19. find it + adj to do…


  I find it necessary to take down notes while listening.

  20. It is + time since…


  It is two years since I last met him.

  21. It is + time when…


  It was 8 o’clock when I got to the cinema.

  22. It is + time before…


  I won’t be long before we can meet again.

  23. It is…that…


  It is friendship that I value most.

  24. It is + n / adj + that / to do…


  It is a must that everybody should know how to use computers.


  There is a common misconception that video games create a virtual world which inevitably leads the people who play them astray. But in my opinion, video games have unique values and attractions of their own. They are a great invention of our times and they present a vivid and colorful world in front of us. In video games we can experience something we had never dreamed of. For example, we can travel around the world in a luxury car. We can participate in the "World Cup" to play with the most famous football players. We can even fight against our "enemy" with the most advanced weapons in the world.

  I like video games for three reasons. For one thing, video games can train our quick response to things that take place in a spilt second. This is surely beneficial to the development of our mental alertness. For another, video games can arouse our curiosity and interest in electronics and computer science. This will very likely lead us to concentrate on these two subjects in school Finally, video games provide us with the best kind of entertainment after class. While playing the game, we forget the worries and anxiety in our life and work completely.

  Of course, video games also have their negative effects. So it is strongly suggested that we do not indulge too much in them. Whenever we play them, we should have self-control.



  If a man has no dream, he is like a bird without wings. If a man has a dream, he can soar in the sky like an eagle.


  The dream of water is to nourish the earth and grow trees and flowers. The dream of a tree never falls, always strong and straight. Dreams are like glittering Olympic gold medals, let's move in that direction!


  My dream is to be a female singer and try to stand on the stage of "happy girl" and "I am a singer". Singing and dancing on the stage.


  I dream, in the neon lights of me, a song just finished, the audience shouted: "Jeanne, one more song, one more song!"!"


  I dream, off the stage, the worshipper is packed like sardines, they asked me for an autograph.


  I have a dream that my fans will surpass Shang Wenjie in "I'm a singer" on Sina, micro-blog's Tencent.


  I have dreams, in the natural disaster, I can put my oriole bird like voice, delivered to every corner of the world.


  Use my songs to soothe the wounds of the citizens of the disaster area;


  With my voice, accompany the citizens of the disaster area to come out of the shadow;


  With my songs, they will increase their courage to overcome natural disasters and inspire their confidence in rebuilding their homes.


  Although I know that my singing is not necessarily better than others, there will be countless difficulties and setbacks on the way. But I will not lose heart, but will work harder towards that dream! Because I believe that only through the hellish hone, to create the energy of heaven; only through the blood of the fingers, can play a world masterpiece; only through difficulties and setbacks, can achieve their dreams!


  Dreams must be grounded! For this dream, I ask myself to go forward every day. Every Saturday at 5:30 pm, I will arrive on time "near the piano" vocal learning, every time I will sing, sing carefully, with emotion to sing. Moreover, I know the initiative to find the gap and overcome the shortcomings in singing. That is to say, my singing was well received by everyone, and the teacher said, "Jeanne has great potential."! Great singing!"


  Dear friends, let us work together, in different positions, the achievement of our own dreams. Let the people of the mainland, overseas Chinese and Hong Kong, Austria and Taiwan compatriots dream together to form a powerful Chinese dream for the rejuvenation of our great nation"!


  a tender rose of england

  is it still blooming in your memory?

  gentle sunshine penetrating through the window, i slothfully got up, turning on the radio as usual for the latest news. all at once, the breathtaking report shocked me. hardly could i believe that just over one night, princess diana left us the charming englands rose faded.

  born in an average family, little diana, enjoyed a quite smooth and pleasant childhood. with her pure heart, she naively learnt to perceive the world as a vivid watercolor of broad golden fields, various lively creatures and vigorous attractive nature.her fetching eyes, the window of her soul, were an uncontaminated farm. they always were. hence, sophisticated as the society was, she never lost her enthusiasm for life. despite the ups and downs in later life, she remained passionate towards all.

  god seems to like playing jokes on her. dianas life was almost a drama play. she attended a university in london,where she met her future husband, prince charles. a common place girl from the countryside and the prince of great britain were not seen as a perfect match. so the royal family did not give their approval of the marriage at first. however, as a result of their persistent efforts, the royalty finally compromised.their wedding ceremony was live broadcast on television throughout the world. in a gorgeous wedding dress, diana held a bunch of white roses, wearing a graceful and fascinating smile.her distinguished appearance, associated with the blooming roses, conquered everyone.

  but it was pretty hard to evaluate whether it was lucky or not for diana to win the royaltys approval of her marriage, for it at last ended up in divorce. the widening gap between the princess and an ordinary girl caused increasing conflicts. once living in poverty, diana was full of sympathy for those who suffered starvation and diseases. despite the strong opposition of the royalty, she insisted on touring to africa and other under privileged areas with her sincere love and concern. furthermore,diana almost gave all of her fortune to set up plenty of funds to aid the suffering. when kissing the skinny little black african boy, diana once again impressed us by her childlike and a little bit stunning smile. her blonde hair was hopping on her effeminate shoulders; her bluish green eyes were outpouring compassion. diana won the name of englands rose by her noble personality more than her graceful appearance. she surely was!

  as the princess or as an ordinary citizen, diana felt it her responsibility to help those who needed her support. after terminating her unsuccessful marriage, she continued her career of beneficence. not only did she leave her footprints all over the world, but she rooted the name of englands rose into everyones heart as well. her genuine smile in the barren desert gave rose a new meaning. where there was love, there was true beauty.

  even after divorce, diana was still the focus of the mass media. journalists traced her by all means, trying to get every detail of her private life. diana paid no attention to them but maintained her own way of living. but the reporters followed her closer and closer, which eventually caused the terrible crash and the sudden death of our respectable diana. princess diana, the rose of england, left us at the age of only 36.

  dianas good friend, eminent singer, alton john wrote a song the candle in the wind in her memory. the song makes many people shed tears. death is not the end of her life. the funds diana set up are still in operation. her permanent smile will never be gone. the beautiful englands rose will always be blooming in our hearts as time goes by.

  簡(jiǎn) 評(píng)


  文章的語(yǔ)言較為流暢,思路清晰。但有些地方值得商榷,如her fetching eyes,the window of her soul,were an uncontamlnated farm.把眼睛比做一片未受污染的農(nóng)田,這一比喻顯然是不恰當(dāng)?shù),只能從中文的意境去理解?筛臑閠he world was like an uncontaminated farm ln her eyes。



  bicycle riding has many advantages. it is the least epensive way of traveling apart from walking. if you travel by bicycle,you dont have to buy gas as you must when you drive cars. besides,it develops much less mechanical troubles than a car. bicycle riding is especially good for health. it is good eercise. if you go to work by riding a bicycle instead of driving or taking a bus,you can have a better chance of getting enough eercise you need everyday. bicycling is also good for our environment. it is less noisy and does not pollute the air. i am glad to have ridden a bicycle to school when i studied in the high school.


  grades are really something important for most students. schools and society as a whole often value a student just by his or her performance in the subjects on an eamination. students with higher grades are considered as winners. on the other hand, those with lower grades are, unfortunately, looked upon as losers.

  forced by this epectation, students try hard as they may to get higher grades. some students do not study hard in their daily lives, instead, they try to recite some important facts or rules just before the eaminations. some students do not even do this, they just cheat on the eaminations in order to get high grades.

  i believe that a grading system is good and necessary for a school, but it should not be the only measure of a person's ability. schools should set up more elective courses, for instance, to train the students to solve practical problems. or they can give more

  consideration to some changes in the eaminations that can arouse the leaning interest instead of just giving grades.


  parks are my favorite places to go. bathed in the warm and gentle sunshine, i lie on the lawn, holding a poetry book in my hand to read. occasionally, my attention is drawn away from the book to the scene around me, which is unique in spring.thought therere birds singing, grass swinging, and flowers smiling, one sharp white figure is gradually taking up my whole view. its a girl, dressed in a white gown, walking slowly to wards me. breeze brushes my face, and carries the aroma from the girl.

  she is strolling down the path while her figure is rising and falling so smoothly and peacefully. the rhythm of her move ments composes an elaborate melody. her soft hair flows down to her waist, on which the sunshine casts a light of ring. the gown outlines her pretty curves. her skin looks so delicate that it, im sure, must feel as smooth as silk.

  now she is in my reach, only a foot from me. my heart beating in ecitement, i swiftly jump up, and bow a little just in the way gentlemen do, motioning a greeting to her. as a response, she turns around and gives me a smile, which reveals her gentleness a desirable character, not judged by appearance but fully perceived by what you find in her eyes. she continues walking and soon is out of sight, but im still there, realizing that there is really something left inscribed in my heart.

  簡(jiǎn) 評(píng)


  文章的語(yǔ)言非常優(yōu)美,很富有想象力。例如,在作者眼中,the rhythm of her movements composes an elaborate melody;her skin looks so delicate that it,im sure,must feel as smooth as silk等。這是描寫人物的文章中的一篇佳作。







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