

時(shí)間:2023-02-22 23:57:53 大學(xué)英語作文 我要投稿


     Spring is no longer that shy girl in my memory, who came very late, hesitated in the distance, overwhelmed by shyness until I waved to her. Then she would scurry happily nearer, stop feet away, waiting to be hugged. But here and now, she, at the sight of me, grabs my hands and pulls me into her arms before I know what's happening.
     So here I am, a boy accustomed to the drab and dry and dreary spring of the north, devouring the sweetness of a south
     It rained days ago and everything glistens with moisture.Trees grow with new leaves of lively light green, not the dull and dusty color of winter. Several cherries are in full blossom now, with flowers clustering and squeezing and squabbling on the twigs. What attract me most are the meadows, the greenish yellow meadows.
     Sprawling on the meadows with grasses kissing my face, I can hear the rustling of leaves in the brisk breeze, the whispering and chuckling and bickering of birds, and the trotting, shuffling, tramping of people passing by.
     I can smell the refreshing fragrance that pervades the air,fragrance of flowering magnolias and growing grasses and moist soil. I inhale the fresh air as deeply as I can and the aroma in vades my whole being.
     Also, I can see the fallen leaves of platanes wafting around like butterflies flying from one flower to another. Once so high above on the treetops enduring the trials of bitter cold and blustering gale, they are so easily torn loose by a warm breeze.Why?
     I cannot help thinking of our situation. We Chinese defy any powerful enemy, but how come we have been so easily attacked by SARS?

簡  評(píng)
    本文通過一個(gè)來自北方的男孩的視野,描繪了生機(jī)盎然的江南之春。文章一開始,作者就把春天比做一個(gè)女孩。在作者的眼中,北方的春天像一個(gè)羞澀的女孩,總是姍姍來遲,而南方的春天則儼然是一個(gè)熱情奔放的女孩。這一對(duì)比非常生動(dòng)。然后作者描繪了雨后的景色:綠色的樹葉、紅色的櫻桃花、綠中帶黃的草地,都被賦予人的靈性,flowers clustering and squeezing and squabbling,grasses kissing my face。作者聽到了樹葉在微風(fēng)的吹拂下響起的沙沙聲,鳥兒的啼叫聲,行人的腳步聲等;聞到了花草和泥土的芳香;看到了能經(jīng)受住嚴(yán)寒和大風(fēng)的樹葉如蝴蝶般紛紛落下。由此作者聯(lián)想到當(dāng)前的形勢(shì):中華民族能不畏強(qiáng)暴,為何如此輕易地受SARS攻擊?
    本文從視覺、嗅覺和聽覺三方面帶領(lǐng)讀者進(jìn)入一個(gè)春天的世界,全方位地感受春天的氣息。文章的一大特色是作者運(yùn)用了大量象聲詞,如the rustling Of leaves;the whispering and chuckling and bickering Of birds;the trotting,shuffling,tramping of peoplepassing by;blustering gale給人以身臨其境的感覺。除了貫穿全文的比喻和擬人外,作者還運(yùn)用了壓頭韻(alliteration)的修辭手法,如the drab and dry and dreary spring Of the north;dull and dustycolor,brisk breeze等,讀來富有韻律,朗朗上口。最后,作者從觀察到的自然現(xiàn)象聯(lián)想到社會(huì)生活,升華了主題。




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