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  Dear guests

  Hello! Entrusted by the tourism and reception departments, I would like toextend a warm welcome to all the guests visiting Qufu, a famous city. I am veryglad to be accompanied by a tour guide. This is a good opportunity for us toenjoy and study together. Please leave your valuable comments after reading.

  Confucius Temple, also known as Zhisheng temple, is a place for offeringsacrifices to Confucius and his wife Qi Guan and 72 sages. Together with theForbidden City in Beijing and Chengde summer resort in Hebei, Confucius Templeis known as China's three major ancient architectural complexes. Experts saidfour words to Confucius Temple: the oldest, the most grand, the most completepreservation, and the most prominent Oriental architectural features. Twoproblems can be seen from the Confucius Temple: one is the great contribution ofConfucius to China and even the oriental culture; the other is that China hascraftsmen in history.

  From here, the Confucius Temple is divided into three routes. The fivegates are Dacheng gate, Jinsheng gate on the left, Yuzhen gate on the right,Qisheng gate on the West and Chengsheng gate on the East. The architecturalstructure of dachengmen is "intertwined, intriguing". The center is ed as"hook center", and the top of the left and right four corners is "bucket angle" three characters of dachengmen were written by Emperor Yongzheng. PraiseConfucius is a collection of sages and sages, reached the supreme realm.

  The West Road of Confucius Temple is a place to worship Confucius' father, uncle Liang he, and his mother, Yan Zheng, were granted the title ofQisheng king and his wife by the emperor.

  The East Road of Confucius Temple is divided into two parts: the frontcourtyard is the former residence of Confucius, which is called "the old well ofConfucius' residence". The place where Confucius' nine generation grandsonKongyu collected books is called "Lubi". Now we see the Scriptures, which shouldbe "Lubi". In memory of Confucius, he built a "poetry hall" to educate his sonto read. Confucius said, "if you don't learn poetry, you can't speak, if youdon't learn etiquette, you can't stand". It means that you can't speak withoutlearning poetry, and if you don't learn etiquette, you don't know how to the hall of poetry, there is a "holy trace" carved by the famous sculptor ShiKe. The backyard is the ancestral hall of Chongsheng, the ancestral hall of theFive Dynasties, and the ancestral hall for worshiping Confucius' ancestors ofthe Five Dynasties.

  Ladies and gentlemen, Confucius Temple is like a school of history andknowledge. Due to the limited time, we only looked at the main ones, which Iwant to introduce. Confucius is a sage and a great tourist. He has traveled allover the world for 14 years, publicizing his knowledge of self-cultivation,family management, governing the country and pacifying the world, and collectingvaluable information. There are many relics about saints, which are worthseeing. Although we have been together for a short time, our friendship willlast forever. I hope you will have a chance to visit Qufu again. We will serveyou very well.

  Confucius Temple is here. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome tocome again.


  Welcome to Qufu, Confucius' hometown, and thank you for choosing me as yourguide. I'm Zhang, the tour guide of Qufu travel agency. You can call me XiaoZhang or Zhang Dao. Confucius has a famous saying: "it's a pleasure to havefriends from afar." Now let me feel happy to meet new friends and provide youwith tour guide service.

  Confucius Temple is a ritual temple for Confucius. Confucius is a famousthinker and educator at the end of the spring and Autumn Period in China, and isrespected as the founder of the Confucian school. According to records,Confucius was born on the top of the polder, like the shape of Niqiu mountain,so because of the name Qiu, the word Zhongni.

  In his life of hard exploration of social practice, Confucius deeplyunderstood and understood the society at that time, gradually established thebasic system of Confucianism, and became a famous political theorist, educatorand thinker at that time. The Confucianism he founded has a great influence inthe history of China and even the world. In the second year after Confucius died(478 BC), Duke AI of Lu changed the hall where Confucius lived to "longevityhall". There were three houses, which displayed "clothes, crowns, Qin, Che, Shu"used by Confucius, and "because they thought they were temples, they wereworshipped when they were old", that is, they offered sacrifices on time everyyear. Although Confucius was a well-known academic master at that time,Confucianism was only a school, and Confucius was not in a high position, so theoriginal Confucius Temple was only the former residence of Confucius. After theHan Dynasty, the status of Confucius and Confucianism gradually improved.

  According to records, from 220 A.D. to the time before liberation, theConfucius Temple was rebuilt and expanded for more than 70 times. After morethan 20__ years of reconstruction and expansion, the Confucius Temple in Qufuformed a large-scale ancient architectural complex. It covers an area of about140000 square meters, including 466 halls, pavilions, 54 gates and 17 stelepavilions. With its large scale, the Palace Museum and Chengde Mountain Resortare known as the three major ancient architectural complexes in China.

  The overall layout of Confucius Temple is a long-term development ofConfucius' former residence, which has a history of more than 2400 years. Thearchitectural effect pursued by the development of Confucius Temple is achievedthrough the environment created by the whole building complex to set off thegreat achievements of Confucius and the profound and extensive of Confucianismand Taoism. Therefore, the artistic expression of Confucius temple architectureis firstly the integrity of its overall layout and architectural sequence;secondly, the treatment of its individual buildings and the pattern of eachcourtyard, and each hall, hall, building, door and pavilion fully shows theirrespective important role; The third is the subtle aspects of individualarchitecture, which fully reflects the unparalleled artistic achievements ofChinese ancient architects in design and construction. In the aspect of overallarchitecture, Confucius Temple adopts the ancient traditional palace stylearchitecture. However, it has been rebuilt and expanded for many times inhistory. When it is rebuilt and expanded, it is bound to be limited by theshape, scale and other factors of the previous Confucian temple. However, thearchitectural group of the Confucian temple finally successfully utilized theheritage of the previous generation, which not only reflects the continuation ofthe historical heritage, but also maintains its overall integrity. This uniquearchitectural form is caused by many factors. First of all, the Confucius Templeis an extension of the former residence of Confucius, which preserves manyhistorical sites related to Confucius, such as the old house well, poetry hall,Lubi, Jinsi hall, and the apricot altar built to commemorate Confucius'lectures; second, the Royal ancestral temple factors, such as the halberdsystem, the front hall and the back bedroom system; third, the palace factors,such as the five gate system of the emperor, the turret system of the RoyalCity, the East and West Huamen, etc; The fourth is the factors of clan andfamily temples, such as Qisheng temple, Chongsheng temple, family temple, etc.;the fifth is the factors of sacrifice. In addition to Confucius, Sipei andtwelve philosophers, there are also sages, Confucians and ancestors, with atotal number of more than 200 people. In order to accommodate a large number ofworshippers, it is necessary to set up veranda, thus forming veranda addition to the above factors, it also highlights the sage status ofConfucius and the sanctity of Confucius and Mencius, such as panchi, Bishui,memorial archway and so on, and symbolizes Confucius' great academicachievements with the book building. Confucius Temple has successfully used thetraditional combination of courtyard and environment, and achieved the purposeof rendering Confucius' outstanding contribution in academic and education andhis lofty position in ancient society. It is a unique architectural form inancient Chinese architectural complex.

  There are more than 1200 ancient trees in the Confucius Temple, whichreflect each other with the magnificent buildings. Especially in summer,thousands of egrets live on the ancient trees, forming another unique landscapeof the Confucius Temple. Egrets have been designated as city birds by QufuCity.

  Wanren palace wall

  Jin Sheng Yu Zhen Fang

  Jinshengyuzhen square was built in 1538, the 17th year of Jiajing reign ofMing Dynasty. The four characters of "jinshengyuzhen" are written by Huzuanzong, a scholar of Ming Dynasty. On the square, there is a light carvedcloud dragon playing with pearls. On the top of each column, there is a roundcarving "ward off evil spirits", commonly known as "chaotianhou". Behind thesquare, there is a single hole stone bridge, on which there is a dragon, named"Panshui bridge". Under the bridge, the upstream of panshuiyuan is connectedwith gupanchi, and the downstream flows through the South Gate of Ming CityXishuimen enters the moat. The bridge was built in the 16th year of the reign ofEmperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1677 AD).

  The word "Jin Sheng Yu Zhen" comes from Mencius Mencius said, "Confucius iscalled jidacheng. He who has achieved great success has a golden voice and ajade. The first is the sound of gold, and the last is the sound of jade. " Itmeans that Confucius is a master of sages and sages. The original meaning of"Jin Sheng" refers to the sound of "Zhong", an ancient musical instrument inChina. The original meaning of "Yu Zhen" refers to the sound of "Qing", anancient musical instrument in China. Mencius compares Confucius' thought to aperfect music. Here, to borrow Mencius' meaning, it means that Confucius'thought is perfect and integrates the achievements of ancient sages to reach thetop.

  Lattice star gate

  Lingxing gate was built in the 13th year of Yongle (AD 1415) of MingDynasty. It was originally made of wood. In the 19th year of Qianlong (AD 1754)of Qing Dynasty, it was replaced by stone pillars and iron beams when KongZhaohuan rebuilt the Confucius Temple. On the top of the four pillars are thefour generals, and on the middle beam are the fire pearls, which symbolizes thatthe gate is guarded by the generals and becomes a towering gate.

  Lingxing, namely Tiantian star, was first seen in the historical data ofthe Han Emperor Gaozu's order to worship Lingxing. The ancients believed thatLingxing was a star that "the LORD was honored by the scholars" and wasspecially in charge of officials. In the sixth year of emperor Renzong of SongDynasty (A.D. 1028), a Lingxing gate was built on the outer wall of theplatform, which was like a window lattice. There is a gate in the ConfuciusTemple, which means to worship Confucius as heaven. This can be seen in therecords of JINGDING Jiankang and Jinling Xinzhi of Song Dynasty. In addition,there is a inscription in the Confucius Temple: the Lingxing gate is set up to"dredge it to accommodate the corporal". Wherever there is a Lingxing gate, itsdoor leaf must be made of lattice structure, so it has the meaning of Confucius temple takes this meaning to attract scholars from all over theworld to study here.

  In feudal society, all the officials who came to Qufu to offer sacrificesto Confucius, regardless of their positions, had to get off the sedan chair anddismount the military officials to show their respect for Confucius. Thismonument was first erected in the second year of the reign of emperor Mingchangof Jin Dynasty (1191 AD), and now only one is left in the East.

  Taihe Yuanqi square

  Taihe Yuanqi square was built in the 23rd year of Jiajing in the MingDynasty (1544 A.D.), which is of stone structure. "Taihe Yuanqi" was written bythe governor of Shandong at that time.

  "Taihe" refers to the combination of heaven and earth, sun and moon, andYin and Yang. "Yuanqi" originally means the original material that forms theworld. Later, some materialists called the five elements "Yuanqi" as "gold,wood, water, fire and earth". Everything in the world is composed of fiveelements. Here, "Yuanqi" is the combination of heaven and earth, sun and moon,and Yin and Yang, which is the basis for the growth of all things. "Taihe Qi"means that Confucius thought embodies the essence and the most noble aspect ofhuman thought. It can make human thought reach a supreme position as theuniverse produces everything.

  After Yuanqi square of Taihe, there was the "Zhisheng Temple" square,formerly known as the "Xuansheng Temple" square. There was no record of itsfounding date. There was a "Xuansheng Temple" square on the temple map in the16th year of Hongzhi of Ming Dynasty (AD 1503). In 1729 ad, Xuansheng temple waschanged to Zhisheng temple. This square is white marble. "Zhi" meanssupreme.


  Hello everyone! It's my great honor to show you around the ConfuciusMansion today. First of all, I'd like to make a few small demands: don'tScribble, litter, make a lot of noise, and follow my guide flag closely to avoidgetting lost. I hope you can bring back the good memories and leave only thefaint footprints.

  Confucius Mansion is one of the cultural heritages in China. It was builtto commemorate Confucius. It is also called Yansheng mansion. It is the officialoffice of Yansheng and the residence of the descendants of Confucius. Confucius,surnamed Kong, named Qiu, Zhongni. Brother ranks second, so some people call it"Kong Laoer". He was born in the state of Lu in the late spring and Autumnperiod. It is said that he had 3000 disciples, among whom 72 were more ucius is a great thinker, statesman, educator and founder of Confucianism inthe late spring and Autumn period. His influence on Chinese culture has a longhistory and is very far-reaching.

  There are more than 460 buildings, rooms, halls and halls in Confucius'mansion, covering an area of 240 mu. It is divided into three roads: the eastroad is the family temple, including baoben hall, Taomiao, Yiguan hall,musitang, Santang, Jiuru hall, Yushu hall and distillery; the west road is thered calyx Pavilion, Zhongshu hall, anhuatang, etc.; the middle road is the mainbody of the Confucius government, which is divided into two parts: the front isthe government office, with six halls and three halls, the back is the innerhouse, with front upper room, front hall building, back hall building, back fiverooms and back garden.

  Now we are ready to enter. You can see that there is a threshold e is also a custom at this threshold: a man should step on his left footbefore crossing the threshold. Women, on the other hand, have to step on theright foot first and then on the left.

  If you look ahead, isn't this a big stone tablet? There are lots of smallwords carved on it. Look carefully at the middle. What's the matter in themiddle? Let me tell you, it was interrupted during the war, and later it wasrepaired by people, so the words there can't be seen clearly. There are manystone tablets here. Please follow me to visit them.

  You should pay attention to the ceremony of offering sacrifices toConfucius, which is divided into four parts: the opening ceremony of the oldcity of Ming Dynasty, the opening ceremony of Confucius Temple, modern publicsacrifice and traditional sacrifice. The most important agenda of offeringsacrifices to Confucius is the three offerings. The chief mourner must firstdress and wash his hands before he can offer incense and bow in front of theincense table of Confucius. When bowing, the male should have his left hand infront of him and his right hand behind him, while the female should have herright hand in front of him and her left hand behind him. The so-called threeofferings are divided into the first offering, the second offering and the lastoffering: the first offering of silk Jue, which is yellow silk. Jue refers tothe antique wine cup. After the official offering the silk Jue to the incensetable, the chief mourner read out and offered the sacrificial text, and then allthe participants bowed to the statue of Confucius and recited the praise ofConfucius. Both the second and the last offer incense and wine. The second andthe last offer incense and wine on the table respectively. The procedure issimilar to the first offer.

  After seeing Zhuang Zhengmu's ceremony of offering sacrifices to Confucius,please follow me and continue to visit all the buildings in Confucius' ucius Mansion was built in Baoyuan period of Song Dynasty and rebuilt inJiajing period of Ming Dynasty, but it has always maintained the architecturalstyle of the early Song Dynasty.

  This is the end of today's journey in Confucius. Do you have much to gain?Now please follow me to get on the coach and prepare for the next journey.









