


時間:2023-02-22 03:55:32 英語論文 我要投稿
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Hands, Fingers, Fingernails

The superstitions and folklore you need to make life magnificent... or miserable.
(WARNING:The unusual folklore in this file is presented soley for your
information and education. Reader assumes all responsibility for safety and
use not in accordance with the above stated purposes. )

A finger-nail biter will become insane.

A friend whom you have not seen for a long time will be met, if your palm

A half-moon near the bottom of each finger-nail demonstrates that your
family came from excellent blood.

A half-moon on each finger-nail proves that your forebears were of good

A left-handed person must work three days for the devil.

A letter is coming to you, if your right hand itches.

An itching in the palm of your right hand indicates that you will get money.

An itching in the left palm indicates that you are going to pay out money.

Anyone possessing a crooked little finger is a crook.

Anyone who bites his finger-nails will not grow tall.

Biting your finger-nails is the sign of nervousness.

Clip your finger-nails on Sunday and evil stories will be told about you
throughout the week.

Clipping your finger-nails in the dark of the moon will bring you bad luck.

Cold hands reveal a warm heart.

Count the white spots on your finger-nails just before December 25th and
their total will reveal the number of Christmas presents you will get.

Cross your fingers for luck.

Cut your finger-nails on:
Monday for news.
Tuesday for shoes.
Wednesday for wealth.
Thursday for health.
Friday for woe.
Saturday for a journey to go.
Sunday for evil.

Cutting finger-nails on Friday is followed by bad luck.

Each white speck on your finger-nails discloses a lie that you have told.

File your nails on Monday for good luck.

If anyone points a finger at you, you will have a mishap before the end of
the day.

If four persons while shaking hands accidentally cross each other's hands,
it is lucky for all of them.

If you and someone else attempt to shake hands with a third persons, the
three of you will be invited to the same party.

If you are able to see through your fingers, you will be a spendthrift.

If you bite your finger-nails, you have thievish tendencies.

If you cut your finger-nails on Monday before breakfast, you will get a
present before the end of the week.

If you enter a house and shake hands with someone, do not shake hands with
that person when you depart, for you will have bad lu


If you have white spots on your finger-nails, you are anemic.

If you point your fingers at someone it will give them bad luck for two

If you rub your itching palm on wood you will inherit money.

If you trim your finger-nails on:
Monday, a letter comes for you.
Tuesday, brings a new garment.
Wednesday, cares are few.
Thursday, brings you riches.
Friday, brings love's joys.
Saturday, misfortunes and troubles to annoy.

If your hand itches, money is coming to you.

If your left hand itches, you will pay out money.

If your left hand itches, you will be disappointed.

If your left hand itches, expect company.

If your left palm itches, you will be called to visit someone you love.

If your right hand itches, you will will shake hands with a stranger who
will become your friend.

If your right palm itches, you will meet a stranger.

It is lucky to cut finger-nails during the new moon.

It is lucky to file finger-nails on Tuesday.

It is most unlucky to shake hands while wearing gloves.

It means bad luck, if you stand up with your hands behind your head.

It signifies that you will shake hands with a stranger, if your right hand

Long fingers in a person reveal a grasping nature.

Long fingers mean that you will be compelled to work for a living.

Long hair on the back of your hands signifies wealth.

Long narrow fingers are the sign of good ancestry.

Manicuring your finger-nails on Sunday will cause you bad luck.

Never shake hands with anyone leaving your house or they will never come
back to that house to see you.

Never trim your finger-nails on Friday if you are engaged in a business
deal, or you will lose during the transaction.

News will come to you from afar, when your right palm itches.

One should trim his finger-nails in the light of the moon for luck.

Pare your finger-nails on Monday before breakfast and you will receive a

Rub your itching left hand on unvarnished wood and you will procure money.

Scratch your itching hand on wood for luck.

Scratching you hand with your finger-nails will bring you bad luck.

Shaking hands with your left hand will bring you bad luck.

Short fingers are a sign of an easy life.

Short finger-nails on a person mean that he is a talebearer.

Short stubby fingers denote that you descended from ancestors who work for
their livelihood.

Someone will soon shake hands with you, if your right hand itches.


into the palm of your left hand when it itches, then rub your hand over
your buttocks, and you will get money.

Spit into the palm of an itching right hand and you will receive a letter.

Spit on your left hand when it itches, then rub your hand on wood,
and you will secure money.

The devil will be in you (have you, rule you, seek you) all week, if you cut
your finger-nails on Sunday.

The itching of the left hand is sign of money.

The itching of your right hand is an omen of visitors.

The itching of your right hand indicates that you will shake hands with a
stranger who is an unknown friend.

The itching of your left palm is an indication of receiving money

The number of white marks on your finger-nails indicates how many presents
you are going to receive.

The person from whom you are not expecting money will present it to you, if
your left hand itches.

The person who has long fingers is given to thievery.

To break anything in a person's hand causes bad luck.

To cut your finger-nails on Sunday will make you blush before the day is

To have white spots on the finger-nails signifies wealth.

To pare finger-nails on Wednesday will bring you good luck.

To shake hands over a gate is the sign of bad luck.

Trim your finger-nails on Monday and a present will be given to you before
the week is over.

When partly closing your hand, if the lines of the palm form the initial
"M", you may expect a long life; but contrariwise, you will die young.

When two couples shake hands at the same time, they will have good luck.

When your left hand itches: Rub it on wood/ And it will come good.

When your right hand itches it is the sign of bad luck.

When your right hand itches, an old friend will soon shake hands with you.

White marks on your finger-nails show a lazy temperament.

White specks on your finger-nails are a mark of health.

Wide hands show an ability to earn money.

You are going to receive money, if your right hand itches.

You can discover your fortune by counting the white spots on your
finger-nails, starting with the thumbs and repeating: "Friends," "foes,"
"presents," "beaus," and "journeys to go."

You will always get work, if your left hand itches.

You will give money away, if your right hand itches.

You will have a caller, if your palm itches.

You will have bad luck, if you manicure your finger-nails in the presence of

You will obtain money soon, if your left hand is itching; the greate

r the
itch, the larger the amount.

You will receive a call from a friend whom you have not seen for a long
time, if your left hand itches.









