


時間:2022-08-17 17:50:54 英語論文 我要投稿
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在句中,it 可在句中做主語或賓語,用來代替一個名詞,一個短語,一個分句或一個句子,以避免它們在句中的重復(fù)。


1)-Who is knocking at the window? 誰在敲窗?

-It’s me.是我。(人)

2)-Who is there? 誰在哪兒?

-It must be Xiaoli. 肯定是小李。(想象中的人)

3)The Greens have a baby . It’s lovely. 格林家有一個新生嬰兒,很可愛(不明性別的嬰兒)


This is a new pen. I bought it last week. 這是一支新鋼筆,我上星期買的。(無生物)

The cat is too lazy to move and we must give it a push.這只貓懶得不愛動,我們必須推它一下(動物)。


I had a talk with Mr. Zhang about my English. It was very useful.我和張老師談了我的英語情況,這是非常有用的。(事情)

Mr. Zhang warned the children time and time again not to play basketball in the street, but they didn’t take it seriously.張老師一再警告孩子們不要在街上玩籃球,但他們不把這當(dāng)回事。(事情)

二. 做非人稱代詞


It is time to get up.到了起床的時間了。 (時間)

It’s four months since I came here. 我來這里已經(jīng)四個月了(時間)

It’s rather cloudy . It looks like rain. 天上烏云密集,像要下雨 (天氣)

It was winter then and it was ten degree below zero.那時是冬天,氣溫是零下10度。 (季節(jié))

It is only half an hour’s walk to the school只有半小時的路程就可以到達(dá)學(xué)校了。(距離)

It’s very quiet . 很安靜。(環(huán)境)

It’s all over now. 現(xiàn)在一切都過去了(情況)

2.非人稱代詞it可在句中做主語,用于謂語為seem、look、appear、happen、turn等,且后面又跟有一個that從句的句子中。(注意:這時的it 、that沒什么實際意義,只起結(jié)構(gòu)上的構(gòu)成作用,而且從句的引導(dǎo)詞that 也不可省略)如:

It seems that he is always correct. 好像他總是正確的。

It happened that he had been hurt .碰巧他受了傷。

It appears that he is an experienced English teacher.好像他是一個有經(jīng)驗的英語教師。


It makes no difference at all . 一點關(guān)系也沒有/沒事。

It comes to nothing. 沒什么結(jié)果。

It’s splendid ! 好極了!

It has nothing to do with me. 這與我無關(guān)。

三. 用于指示

it 用在It is/was + 主語補足語的結(jié)構(gòu)中,可用來指明某人或某物的身份。在句中可以前指,也可以后指。如:

--Who is there? 誰在那兒?

--It’s the postman.是郵遞員。(前指)

Last night, I tripped over something and fell down. It’s a stone.昨天晚上,我被什么東西給絆了一下,摔了個跟頭。(是什么?)是塊石頭。(后指)

如果指的是一個或一些身份明確的人,就不用it,而要用he, she , they等。如:

The Whites came to see me last week . They are my good friends.懷特夫婦上周來看我,他們是我的好朋友。

注意:It’s me 是一個慣用結(jié)構(gòu)。其它人稱代詞做主語補足語時,一般是用其主格形式。如:It’s he/she.(而It’s him that I saw in the street the day before yesterday.你知道是怎么回事嗎?------強調(diào)句型,請往后看)





It is very important for us to learn English well.(=To learn English well is very important for us)對我們來說,學(xué)好英語是非常重要的.

It’s up to you to decide to help me or not.(=To decide to help me or not is up to you).是否幫助我由你決定。

It took me two hours to finish my homework.(=To finish my homework took me two hours)我花了兩個鐘頭(才)做完了作業(yè)。

It’s a pity to be late.(=To be late is a pity) 遲到是個遺憾。


It is no use talking a lot without doing anything .(= Talking a lot without doing anything is no use / It’s not useful talking a lot without dong anything.)光說不做是沒用的

It’s no good leaving today’s work for tomorrow.(=Leaving today’s work for tomorrow is no good)把今天的事留到明天去做是不好的。

注意:在It’s adj(形容詞或形容詞短語)./n.(名詞或名詞短語)to do……/doing……中,一般我們用不定式做真正主語,即:It’s adj(形容詞或形容詞短語)./n.(名詞或名詞短語)to do……如例1).;但是,當(dāng)It’s后若是:(no)use, (not)useful,no good等單詞或短語時,真正主語一般用動名詞,即:It’s no good/ no use/ not useful…doing……如例2).


It’s known to all that his father died the day before yesterday.(=That his father died the day before yesterday is known to all)眾所周知,他的父親是前天死的(他的父親前天死這件事被眾人知道)

It’s doubtful whether he would play the part.(= whether he would play the part is doubtful)他是否要扮演這角色值得懷疑。

注意: that從句做主語時,that一般不可省略。



I consider it very hard to learn English well.我認(rèn)為學(xué)好英語是很難的。

Marx found it necessary to study the situation in Russia. 馬克思發(fā)現(xiàn)研究俄國的形式是必要的。


I thought it no use doing that.(=I thought doing that no use) 我認(rèn)為做那事是沒用的。

注意:當(dāng)it為形式賓語時,通常,我們用不定式做真正賓語 如例1);但是,當(dāng)補語為no use/no good/not useful等時,人們通常用動名詞做真正賓語,如例2)。


I think it a pity that I shall never have chance to see her .我認(rèn)為,我再也不會有機回去看她了,真是遺憾。

四.構(gòu)成強調(diào)句型。為了強調(diào)句子的某一成分,把 “it”用在句首,這種強調(diào)句的結(jié)構(gòu)是“It is (was +所強調(diào)的成分(主語、賓語、狀語)+that…”,表達(dá)的意思為“是…,正是…,就是…”!癷t ”“that”在這種句型中本身沒什么實際意義,只起一種結(jié)構(gòu)作用。如:

It's my back that hurts.是我的背痛。 (強調(diào)主語)

It is the elephant that the children want to see.孩子們要看的時大象。 (強調(diào)賓語)

It was in 1997 that we met them for the first time. 我們第一次遇見他們是在1997年。(強調(diào)狀語)

It was not until the rain stopped that we left. 直到雨停了,我們才離開。(強調(diào)狀語從句)

It is not only blind men who make such stupid mistakes. 決不只有盲人才犯這樣愚蠢的錯誤(強調(diào)主語)。

這里需要說明的是:如被強調(diào)的是人,則后面用既可用who又可用that, 如被強調(diào)的是物或其他情況,則只用that。如:

It was yesterday that I met Bob in your room.我就是昨天在你的房間y遇見鮑勃的。

It was in your room that I met Bob yesterday. 我就是在你的房間昨天遇見鮑勃的。

It was Bob that/who I met in your room yesterday. 昨天我在你房間遇見的是鮑勃。

注意:若強調(diào)的是一賓語的話,在It’s ……that/who之間的部分要用賓格;若是一主語的話,則需用其主格形式。

如:It’s him that I met in the street the day before yesterday.我前天在街上遇見的是他(賓語,用賓格)。

It’s he that met me in the street the day before yesterday.是他前天在街上遇見了我(主語,用主格)。It’s him that I saw in the street the day before yesterday. 我前天在街上看見的是他(賓語,用賓格)。










