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  2、在教室里邊走邊拿著一件東西說:Whats this?當學生回答:Its a …。.后,再問:“what colour is it?”(注意,學生們不一定要會問這個問題。)這時學生應該回答:“Its…”


  老師:Whats that?

  學生:Its a book.

  老師:What colour is it?

  學生:Its red






  老師:Its a cat.


  老師:Its a bag.







  1、拿起書,指著上面的一個拼圖小片說:Whats this?引導學生回答:“Its a (顏色十物品)”舉兩到三個例子。



  1、讓學生在課桌上放一些不同顏色的鉛筆、鋼筆和書包。拿起其中一件說:Whats this?引導學生回答。






  【課題】Unit Five Where is my ruler?

  【教學重點】 學習單詞bus, taxi, bike, jeep

  【教學難點】短語“Look out!”的理解和連讀。


  1、 教師準備教材配套的錄音帶。

  2、 教師準備Let’s learn 部分的教學課件。

  3、 教師和學生都準備所學單詞的玩具。

  4、 教師準備所學交通工具類單詞卡片和圖片。

  5 、學生按小組準備眼罩。


  1、 熱身、復習 (Warm-up/Revision)


 。2)學生倆人一組,表演Let’s talk 部分的對話。


  Simon says

  教師發(fā)出指令,學生執(zhí)行指令。規(guī)則是:如果指令前有Simon says ,學生執(zhí)行指令,否則被罰下,如:

  T: Simon says, put a pencil-box on your desk.。學生將鉛筆放在書桌上。如教師只說:Put a pencil-box on your desk. 學生則不做任何動作。指令語以介詞為主。

  2、 呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation)


  a、 教師首先畫兩個圓形, 問:What is it? 學生回答: It is a bike.

  b、用同樣的方法出現(xiàn)其它交通工具bus, jeep, taxi 。

  (2)讓學生看動畫, 學習Let’s learn部分的詞匯。


  3、 趣味操練 (Practice)

 。1)學生倆人一組,每次一人戴上眼罩,另一個同學手舉玩具,讓戴眼罩的同學摸摸玩具的'一小部分,進行問答練習:What is it? It is a bike(…)。

 。2)游戲:Where is it?

  教師將玩具準備好,請一位學生面對黑板,然后將一個玩具如:taxi放在某處如: in a desk ,全班學生問: Where is the taxi? 讓前面的同學猜在哪?

  (3)四人一組,說說51頁Let’s play 部分的圖片上各物品的位置。

  4、 課堂評價 (Assessment)


  5、 擴展性活動(Add-activities)



  1、 Ability goals 能力目標

  To help the Ss develop their reading ability by skimming for main ideas and car eful-reading for details with the teacher’s guidance.

  To get The Ss to master some key words such as witness, abandon, yell, drag, flee and so on.

  2、 Learning ability goals 學能目標

  To enable the Ss to talk about animals under the sea.

  To help the Ss know the importance of the relationship between animals and humans.



  Teaching important points 教學重點

  Help the Ss know more about animals under the sea as well as the animals’ loyalty and help to human bein gs.

  Teaching difficult points 教學難點

  1、 Help the Ss get the main idea and some detailed information by fast-reading and careful-reading.

  2、 Help the Ss tell apart from Before, During and After in the story.


  Step1. Warming Up : Talk about animals under the sea.

  1、 Have you ever seen some marine animals?

  2、 What have you seen, and where have you seen them?

  I have seen a/some/many…… in/on/from……

  amazing marine animals: seal, turtle, dolphin, sea-horse, sea-star, shark, angelfish, jellyfish, lobster, coral

  Step2. Fast-reading:

  1、 Find out the Background Information of the story : writer, career, writing style, time, place, main character.

  2、 Find out the Main Idea of the passage: What’s the first story mainly about?

  Step3. Careful-reading:

  1、 Clancy had heard of the killer whales that every year killer whales would help whalers catch baleen whales. Did he believe it at first? When did he believe it was a true anecdote?

  2、 How many paragraphs are there all together in story1? The hunt can be divided into 3 stages.

  Stage1: before the hunt: (para. 2-6):

  Old Tom’s doing: throwing itself out of … and crashing down again… Why? to tell the whalers…, …by the boat…, circling back to …Why? to lead the whalers…

  Whalers’ reaction: Another whaler __________. George _____ ___ _____ Clancy, and Clancy ______ after him. They __________ the boat and ______ ____into the bay.

  Stage2&;3: Dur ing and after the hunt: (para. 7-9):

  Killer whale’s doing: The killers over there are ________ themselves on the top of the whale’s blow-hole to stop it __________; and some others are stopping it _______ out to sea. The killers started ________ between our boat and the whale just like a pack of ____ ___ dogs. When the baleen whale was dead, its body wa s _______ down into the depths of the sea.

  Whalers’ reaction: The man in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale and then let it go to hit the spot.

  Conclusion: They have amazing relationship. They work as a team

  Step4 : Summary

  Working at the _______station, I had the chance to _________ a baleen whale being attacked by a ______ of k iller whales.

  On the afternoon I arrived at the station, as I was __________ my accommodation, I heard a loud noise coming from the bay. I ran down to the ______ in time to see an enormous animal _________ itself out of the water and then _______________ again. George told me it was Old Tom, who announced there would be a ___________.

  Using a _________, we could see a baleen whale _______________ by about six killers. Some are ________ themselves on top of the whale’s __________to stop it breathing; and some others are stopping it _______ out to sea. The whalers aimed the ________ at the whale and then let it go to hit the spot. Being badly ________, the whale soon died. Very soon, its body was ________ by the killers down into the _______ of the sea.



  Deal with Exercise 3 in Comprehending 。 Let the Ss work in groups and do some discussion:As a matter of fact, whales are now an endangered animal. Many people are trying to protect them from being hunted. The last whaling station in Australia closed in 1978. But some countries oppose the ban. An d there are still people who hunt whales. What’s your opinion? Are you for or against the banning whaling? Consider the problem carefully and we’ll have a discussion tomorrow.



  (2)教材分析與學生分析: 本單元的中心話題是“友誼”,幾乎所有的內容都是圍繞這一中心話題展開的。Warming Up部分以調查問卷的形式引導學生了解日常生活中朋友之間發(fā)生的真實問題以及解決這些問題的方法;Pre-Reading部分的幾個問題啟發(fā)學生對“友誼”和“朋友”進行思考,使學生明確不僅人與人之間可以做朋友,日記也可以成為人們的朋友;Reading部分Anne’s Best Friend以日記形式講述了猶太女孩安妮的故事;Comprehending部分通過連句、多項選擇和問答形式幫助學生對課文內容、細節(jié)進行更深入的理解; Using about Language 部分教學本課重點詞匯和重點語法項目。

 。3) 課時安排:The first period: Speaking: Warming Up and Pre-Reading The second period: Reading

  The third period: Grammar

  The forth Period:Listening

  The fifth period: Writing


 、僦R與技能:Talk about friends and friendship; Practise talking about agreement and disagreement, giving advice and making decisions; Use direct speech and indirect speech; Learn to write an essay to express and support an opinion.

 、谶^程與方法:本單元在讀前階段就提出問題,讓學生思考是不是只有人與人之間才能交朋友,然后在閱讀中通過安妮的日記向學生說明我們也可以與動物及無生命的日記交朋友。在深刻理解、充分訓練的基礎上,可以再引導學生深入討論幾個與本單元話題有關的問題:1.描述朋友; 2. 結交網(wǎng)友;3. 觀點交流;4. 善不善交朋友; 5. 朋友的`重要性。


 。5) 教學重點和難點:

  詞匯:add point upset ignore calm concern cheat share reason list series crazy nature purpose dare thunder entirely power according trust suffer advice situation communicate habit

  短語: add up calm down have got to be concerned about go through hide away set down on purpose in order to face to face according to get along with fall in love join in

  重點語法項目: 直接引語和間接引語的互相轉換

  難點:Understand the real meaning of friends and friendship;

  Discuss the answers to the questions (Reading);

  How to teach the Ss to master the usage of Direct Speech and Indirect

  Speech(Statement and Questions)。

 。6) 教學策略: Discussion, Student-centered vocabulary, learning, listening, pairwork, teach grammar in real situation

 。7) 教學煤體設計: A projector and a tape recorder.

 。8) 教學過程:

  Period One:Speaking (Warming Up and Pre-Reading)


  Talk about friends and friendship.

  Practise talking about agreement and disagreement.

  Step I Revision

  Ask some of the students to read his / her composition for the class, describing one of the problems between friends and how it is solved. Then give some comments.

  T: Now, let's check up your homework for last class. I'd like some of you to read his / her composition for the class, describe one of the problems between friends and how it is solved.

  Step II Warming up

  T: / think most of us have some good friends. Do you know why people make friends with one another?

  Step III Talking(WB P41)

  First get the students to listen to what a Canadian say about making friends. Then ask them to discuss the two questions.

  T: Now we're going to listen to what Leslie Clark, a Canadian has got to say about making friends. After listening, please talk about the two questions in groups of 4. Try to use the following expressions.

  1 Do you agree with her?

  2 What do you think of people from foreign countries?

  Agreement Disagreement

  I think so, I don't think so.

  I agree.I don't agree

  That's correct.Of course not.

  That's exactly my opinion. I'm afraid not.

  You're quite right. I don't think you are right.

  Step IV Speaking(B P6)

  First, get the students to think of four situations among friends in groups of 4 and design a questionnaire to find out what kind of friends their classmates are. Second, try it out on their own group, checking the questionnaire through and adding up their score and see how many points they can get. Ask them to fill in the form prepared before class. Show the instructions and decide what kind of friends their classmates are. Third, ask each student to stand up and walk around the classroom to make a survey on four of other classmates. Show the instructions and decide what kind of friends other classmates are. They can share your questionnaire with one or two other groups and try each other's questionnaires.

  At last, show the instructions to help your classmates to know how to improve his or her skills of making good friends with others if necessary.

  T: Friends come in many flavors. There are best friends, school friends, fair-weather friends, forever friends and many more. Do you want to know what kind of friends your classmates are? Now let's make a survey. First, please think of four situations among friends and design a questionnaire to find out what kind of friends your classmates are.

  1、 Your friend borrowed 100 Yuan from you last week and hasn't returned it. You will

  A. ask him / her to pay back as soon as possible; or you'll end the friendship.

  B. ask him / her to pay back if he / she has.

  C. tell him / her not to return it.

  2、 Your friend said your bad words behind you. You will

  A. ask him / her to say sorry to you , or you'll stop your friendship.

  B. excuse him / her and forget it.

  C. ask others to tell him / her that he/she is wrong.

  3、 You promised to meet your friend at five o'clock but your parents ask you to do homework at home. You will

  A. tell him your parents ask you to do homework at home.

  B. tell him / her a lie that you are ill.

  C. say sorry to him / her and plan to meet him / her another time.

  4、 You borrowed a bike from your friend, but you had it stolen. You will

  A. buy a new one which is the same as his / hers.

  B. just tell him / her you had it stolen.

  C. say sorry to him/her and buy him/her an old one

  After they finish choosing the answers, show the scoring sheet on the screen.


  2-5 A fair-weather friend

  Only like them when they are happy and popular. If they are feeling down, or if they are having a problem, you don't want to spend time or talk with them. You don't help your friends when they have problems. You are always thinking about yourself.

  You should care more about your friends. If you continue to be self-centered and don't consider others' feelings, you won't make more friends and keep friendship for long.

  6-11 A school friend

  You see each other in school. You just study and play with them together in school. You may not know everything about each other. You take things smoothly. You seldom hurt your friends with your benefit considered. You'd better add more affection to your friends. Friendship is about feelings and we must give as much as we take.

  12-17 A best friend

  You do everything together with your friends: study, read, watch TV, surf the Internet, play sports and listen to music. If either one has a problem, the other is there to help. You know your friends very well. You understand and yield to each other. You help with each other and improve together. You have a lot of common benefit. Your friendship is good to both of you. You are mutually beneficial.

  18-21 Forever friend

  You will always listen to your friends and try to help them, even if you disagree or if you are having a problem. Whenever they have any difficulty, you'll try your best to do what you can to help them without hesitation. You devote yourself to your best friends. You are willing to lose what you have, even your life.




  1、能夠聽、說、認讀Lets read部分的短文,完成相應的活動。



  1、本課重點是操練鞏固本單元11個職業(yè)名稱的單詞和重點句型:What does he/she do? Where does he/she work? How does he/she work?

  2、本課難點是幫助學生理解短文中的新語言,如:help the bank use their money well. likes helping people. help tourists find their way.以及三個小建議。



 。1) Greetings

  (2) Lets chant(課本第56頁)

  (2)Free talk


  How many people are there in your family? Who are they?

  What does your father / mother do ?

  Where does your father / mother work?

  How does your father / mother go to work?

  How does your father / mother go to work?



  I.T:Now, I will introduce some my friends to you. What do they do ? Can you guess?

  Ss: OK!

  T:OK!Lets meet my first friend. (投影出示卡片:She works in the school. She teaches English in the school. She loves her children very much. What does she do? She is a ___________)


  II.用同樣的方法閱讀第二個片斷。(投影出示卡片:He works in a car company. He likes math and drawing very much. He can design(設計) many cool cars. What does he do? He is an ______________.)

  師生齊讀內容,出示單詞卡,教讀design。之后師問:What does he do ? can you guess?

  S3: Maybe he is an engineer.T: Yes, he is an engineer. You are very clever!(揭示答案)

  , lets go on , meet my friends. I have many friends. (投影出示卡片:They like beautiful cities. They like traveling(旅游) very much. Who are they? They are ______________)

  Can you read the passage? Have a try, please!



  學習本課難點句子:Help the tourists find their way.并引導學生用英語描述路線。


 。ǔ鍪咎崾揪渥樱 Look! I think Zhou Jielun is a singer. He goes to work by car. He likes singing very much. What do you think of Zhou Jielun?(學生看提示語和同位討論)


  請學生說說自己的想法:I think Zhou Jielun…

  投影出示句子。Zhou Jielun is a singer. He goes to work by car. He likes singing very much.



  用同樣的方法討論交流并學說句子:helps the bank use their money well.



  VIII.投影出示剛才的三段短文。Can you read the passages by yourselves?學生看投影自由閱讀。

  T:Can you answer these questions? Ask and answer in your groups.


  1、 What does Zhou Jielun do?

  2、 What does Xiao Hong do ?

  3、 Who works in a school?

  4、 Who likes singing?

  5、 How does Miss Liang go to work?

  6、 Who help the bank use their money well?







  A. How many friends do we have?

  B. Who are they?

  C. What do they do?




  A. Wang Li is an engineer.

  B. She likes reading English very much.

  C. She designs many cars and buses.

  D. She goes to work on foot.


  A、 Li Xiaobin is a policewoman.

  B、 He works is a hospital.

  C、 He helps the bank use their money well.

  D、 He goes to work by bus.

  第三段:can you answer my questions?

  A、What does Yuan Yuan do?

  B、What does Yuan Yuan like?

  C、How does Yuan Yuan go to work?

  T: (學生口頭回答上面三個問題后)



  Lets read all the passages together, OK?(齊讀全部課文一遍)

  Now questions for you? can you answer the questions on your English books?

  Ask and answer in your groups, then write the answers on your English books.







  T: Look! there are three tips here.(課前將文中的三條建議貼在黑板上)

  老師讀完三條建議后說:I want to be a singer, because I like singing very much. What about you?

  S1: I want to be a teacher, because I like children.

  T: Thank you. What else?

  S2: I want to be an accountant. Because I like math very much.

  T: Thank you. What else?

  S3: I want to be a teacher, because I like students.

  T: Thank you. What else? What about you?

  S4: I want to be an English teacher. Because I like English very much.



  (1)T: Now you are the managers in the many companies, and you need somebody work for your company.請你根據(jù)你們公司的工作性質,到人才市場去聘用一些人員為你的公司服務。(課前在學生的桌子上分好小紙條,上面寫著虛擬身份的相關信息,每組為一個公司。)


  Zhang Yong is a happy man. He likes helping the sick(病人)people.He likes white.

  He wants to be a doctor. So I choose Zhang Yong. Because he wants to be a doctor, and Yongxin hospital needs a doctor.

  I work in Yongxin hospital. I choose Zhang Yong. Because Yongxin hospital needs a doctor. And Zhang Yong wants to be a doctor.

  Can you tell me? What about you?

  Now you can stand up and look for the personnel for your company. OK?




  (5)T: Boys and girls, toady, its very difficult to find a nice job. So we must work hard, and make a new day. OK?

  Ss: OK!





  A、學習并掌握指示代詞: this、that;



  D、學會句型:---How do you spell pen? P-E-N.














  第一課時Section A 1a-1c

  第二課時Section A 2a-4b

  第三課時Section B 1a-2c

  第四課時Section B 3a-4 Self-check 1-3

  Period One





  Step One: Warming up.(通過復習形容詞性物主代詞,把學生引入學習英語的情境中。)

  Learn the chant.

  T:Lets sing the chant together.


  Step Two: New words.(利用實物教學,使得教學過程自然、形象。)

  1、 Present the new words.

  T: Boys and girls,look at this please. Whats this in English?

  (Teacher holds a pen in the English.)

  S1:A pen.(Ss may say it in English.)

  T: Yeah. Its a pen. And whats this?

  (The teacher holds an eraser in the hand.)

  S2:Its an eraser.

  (Teach the other words such as “pencil,book,eraser,ruler,pencil case,backpack,pencil sharpener,and dictionary” in the same way.)

  2、 Practice the new words.

  T: Now,please look at the pictures in your books. Can you put the words with the objects in the right pictures? Write the letters next to the words,please.(Give Ss about two minutes to finish 1a.)

  T: OK,lets check the answers. Who can tell us the answers?


  Step Three: Present the drills.

  1、 Present the drill “Is this…?Yes/ No,it is/isnt.”(利用實物引入句型,使用不同人的物品來引入形容詞性物主代詞和名詞的搭配的用法。)

  (Hold the teachers pen.)

  T:This is my pen.Is this your pen?

  S1:No,it isnt.Its your pen.

  T:(Hold the students pen.)This is your pen. Is this your pen?

  S1:Yes,it is. Its my pen.

  T:(Hold a girls pen.)This is her pen. Is this your pen?

  S1:No,it isnt. Its her pen.

  T:(Hold a boys pen.)This is his pen. Is this your pen?

  S1:No,it isnt. Its his pen.

  T: Thank you.

  2、 Practice the drill “Is this your…?” in pairs with your own school things.Pay attention to the use of my,your,his or her.(利用學習用品操練句型,并加深對物主代詞的理解。)



  本課是冀教版小學英語(三年級起始版)第四冊第三單元(All about me)的第4個新授課,Lesson16:How do you go to school? 經過一年半的學習,四年級下學期孩子們學習的重點逐漸過渡到各種基本句型。本單元前面三課分別學習了關于年齡、身高、住處的句子,本課教材以How do you go to school?為切入點,重點學習關于出行方式的交流:詢問別人、介紹自己的出行方式。


  孩子們經過一年半的學習,基本了解了字母:26個字母及常見字母組合的發(fā)音規(guī)則,詞匯的學習方法:單詞音形意用的結合、音節(jié)、重音及不同詞類(名、動、數(shù)、形、冠等)的用法特點,初步體會英語句子的語序與漢語的'不同,但對于句子結構及變化還比較陌生。本課內容對于孩子們來說并不陌生,Book3 L16已學習過四種出行方式by bus, by car, by bike, by taxi和句子:How do you go to school? I go to school by ____? 另一種出行方式on foot /walk,dives me及選擇此種出行方式的原因表述學生相對陌生。但我校學生學習英語較早,一二年級有了兩年的口語學習,還有近1/3有課外學習經歷或正在進行,這些內容對于他們可能都不陌生。




  A. 學生能夠運用所學句型Do you walk to school? How do you go to school? I go to ___ by___ / on foot.。.詢問、表達適合自己的出行方式。

  B. 學生知道句子的變化是和人稱有關系的,并能嘗試運用所學句子介紹和詢問他人的出行方式:Does he/she walk to school? How dooes he/she go to school? He/she goes to school by___ / on foot.。.

  2、 文化目標:



  學生知道句子的變化是有規(guī)律可循的,并引導嘗試找出這些規(guī)律: A.和人稱變化的關系; B.不同句式之間的關系等。



  通過尋找句子規(guī)律及了解不同人們的出行方式,引導學生體會英語學習是有規(guī)律可循的,Englishi is easy! 及交流開闊自己的眼界English is fun!


  1、教學重點:學生能夠運用所學句型Do you walk to school? How do you go to school? I go to ___ by___ / on foot.。.詢問、表達適合自己的出行方式。

  2、教學難點:學生知道句子的變化是和人稱有關系的,并能嘗試運用所學句子介紹和詢問他人的出行方式:Does he/she walk to school? How does he/she go to school? He/she goes to school by___ / on foot.。.









