


時間:2023-02-27 04:54:31 九年級英語教案 我要投稿
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授課人:郭禮文 時間: 班級:

  在本單元中要求學(xué)生對在前面五單元中所學(xué)過的知識做一次全面的回顧和總結(jié)。復(fù)習(xí)、歸納一般過去時態(tài)和現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài),進(jìn)一步學(xué)習(xí)動詞不定式和賓語從句。能夠區(qū)別 have been與 have gone的用法;重點學(xué)習(xí)課文\"Under the sea\",明白How important is the sea to our life?
  通過利用computer去尋找一些information,進(jìn)一步熟悉有關(guān)如何操作計算機(jī)的術(shù)語;掌握數(shù)詞的用法和類似 thousands of短語的用法。通過該單元的學(xué)習(xí),要使學(xué)生明白海洋對于我們?nèi)祟惖闹匾祟惻c自然應(yīng)當(dāng)和諧相處,并盡力保護(hù)它的環(huán)境!
1. Not too long ago, people couldn’t go scuba diving on Hainan Island, or anywhere else.
  else 形容詞,意思為“別的;其他的”,無比較級。
  — Beside the weather, what else did he say? 除了天氣,他還說了些什么?
  — Who else is coming? 還有別人來嗎?
  — Anything else I can do for you? 我還能為你做些別的事嗎?
2. This is because there was no machine allowing a person to breathe under water for a long time. 這是因為沒有供人水下呼吸很長時間的機(jī)器。
  allow sb. to do sth. 意思為“允許某人做某事”。 相當(dāng)于賓語時,必須接不定式。如:
  They don’t allow children to go into that room.= They don’t let children to into that room.
  I allowed him to use my room.= I let him use my room.  我讓他使用我的房間。
  當(dāng)allow后接不接人稱代詞或名詞時,后面的動詞須用 –ing 形式,而不能用不定式。如:
  My parents don’t allow us to smoke. Smoking is not allowed both at home and at school.
3. In 1943 Jacques Cousteau and his friend made it possible by inventing the scuba machine.
  make在這里是“使得”的意思,后接不帶to的動詞不定式!癿ake sb. do sth.” 意為“讓 / 使得某人做某事”。make后還可以跟形容詞作賓補(bǔ)。如:
  The boss made the workers work twelve hours a day. 老板讓工人們一天工作十二小時。
  His mother was ill. This bad news made him sad.他的母親病了,這個壞消息使他很難過。
4. He was amazed at all the colours, and all the beautiful fish.
   amazed 使(某人)感到驚奇。
  She amazed us by dancing so beautifully. That’s why we enjoyed every minute of the party.
  be amazed at / by 感到驚奇。如:
  We are amazed at the changes in Beijing. I can’t even find where my old house is.
  She was amazed by what she saw in China. She is now planning to bring her whole family here next month.
5. However, when he returned some years later, the colourful coral reefs were dead and grey.
  however conj. 然而;可是;不過;但是
  Certainly he agreed. However, I won’t agree,
  注:however與but的區(qū)別在于,前者較為正式,but不能置于句首,而however 可以置于句首,句中或句末。置于句中時,前后用分號隔開的情況較多。
6. Since water covers most of the earth, Corsteau knew we should keep the seas clean.
  Since we are young, we should do more for our country.
  — Why is Kate absent? 凱特為什么遲到了?
  — Because she is ill. 因為她病了。
  Snow covered the ground. 雪覆蓋了地面。
  She cried and covered her face with her hands. 她哭了,用手蒙住了臉。
  The desk was covered with dust.= Dust covered the desk. 書桌上布滿了灰塵。
7. …, he encouraged everyone to take part in protecting our lakes, rivers, seas and oceans.
  ……,他鼓勵每個人加入到保護(hù)我們的河流、湖泊和海洋的行動中來,take part in意為“參加(活動)”一般表示在活動中還承擔(dān)一定的職責(zé)。
He always takes an active part in all kinds of activities in school.他總是積極參加學(xué)校各種活動。
  join也有參加的意思,但是該詞主要強(qiáng)調(diào)參加某項組織。如:He joined the party when he was eighteen years old.他十八歲就入了黨。
8.— … but I’ve gone scuba diving.  — So have I.
   — ……但是我去潛水了!   我也去了。
  “So+be/情態(tài)動詞/助動詞+主語”這種簡略結(jié)構(gòu)表示“某人也……”如:I like green very much. So does Lily.  我喜歡綠色,莉莉也喜歡。
  Tom can swim, so can I. 湯姆會游泳,我也會游。
  She is a student. So are they. 她是學(xué)生,他們也是。
  I went to the zoo yesterday. So did Mary. 昨天我去了動物園,瑪麗也去了。
  so+主語+be/情態(tài)動詞/助動詞,這種結(jié)構(gòu)強(qiáng)調(diào)“……確實如此”。如:Her husband is English. So he is. 他丈夫是英國人。是的,他是。
  Tom studies very hard. So he does. 湯姆學(xué)習(xí)很努力。是的,他確實很努力。
  She passed the exam. So she did.  她通過了這次考試。是的,他確實通過了。
9. I’ve been down as long as two hours. 我在水下待了兩小時之久
  as long as …長達(dá)……
  It took us as long as four hours to get over the mountain.我們花了四個小時才翻過了那座山。
  Mr. Brown spent as long as two and a half years writing the novel.
  注:類似的用法還有as much as, as large/big as, as wide as, as high as等等。如:
  Look at the tower, it is as high as sixty metres.  看那座塔,它高達(dá)60米。
  I spent as much as ten thousand yuan on the piano. 買這架鋼琴,我花了多達(dá)一萬塊錢。
  注意:as long as這個短語還可以做從屬連詞用來引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句。意思是“只要……”,也可以說;so long as。如:As long as I live, I’ll study. 只要我還活著,我就要學(xué)習(xí)。
  You may borrow the books so long as you keep it clean.
  As long as we don’t lose heart, we’ll find a way to overcome the difficulty.
10. Maybe we can go scuba diving sometime. 也許改天我們能潛泳。
  Maybe it will rain tonight. 可能今天晚上會下雨。
  Maybe it is true. 也許這是真的。
  It may be wrong. 這可能有錯。
11. Not all sharks are alike. 并不是所有的都相似。
  alive adj. 意思為“相同的;相像的”常做表語。
  They were born on the same day. The two brothers are very much alike.
  他倆出生于同一天。這兄弟倆長得很像。= They were born on the same day. The two brothers are very like.  他倆出生于同一天。這兄弟倆長得很像。
  注意:like 之前可以用very 來修飾,但是alike之前則不行。另外,alike也可以用做副詞。如: You and I think alike.你和我的想法一致。
  Great minds think alike. 英雄所見略同。
12. … but many sharks feed on fish, other sea animals, smaller sharks and sometimes people.
  Feed on sth. 以……為食
  Cows feed on hay. 奶牛吃干草。
  The children always feed on the best of food. 孩子們常常吃最好的食物。
13. It is said that one of the most dangerous sharks is the great white shark.
  It is said …據(jù)說……
  It is said that you are good at operating computers.  據(jù)說你很會操作電腦。
  It is said that the sports meeting will be put off till next Thursday.
  It is thought that … 據(jù)認(rèn)為……
  It is known that … 眾所周知……
  It is reported that … 據(jù)報道……

  1. 現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)的結(jié)構(gòu)have/has+過去分詞
  2. 現(xiàn)在完成時涉及兩個時間概念。一是過去,二是現(xiàn)在。謂語動詞雖然所表示的動作發(fā)生在過去,但是該時態(tài)所強(qiáng)調(diào)的還是對現(xiàn)在的影響或結(jié)果。關(guān)鍵在于這種影響和結(jié)果正是說話人的興趣所在。因而,該時態(tài)通常不帶有時間狀語。如:
  The boy has come back.  孩子回來了。(意思是說孩子在家。)
  I’ve lost my pen.  我把鋼筆給丟了。(意思是說我現(xiàn)在沒有鋼筆用。)
  3. 現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)還可以用來表示開始于過去,且該狀態(tài)一直延續(xù)至今而且還有可能繼續(xù)下去的可能性的情況。謂語動詞的動作通常是可持續(xù)的。如:
  I have lived here for more than twenty years.  我在此住了二十多年了。
  Nothing has happened ever since.  打那以后就什么也沒有發(fā)生過,
  4. 非延續(xù)性動詞用于現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)的時候,通常不帶表示時間段的時間狀語,因此不和for或者since連用。例如,不能說:I have bought the house for two years / since two years ago.
  而應(yīng)當(dāng)說:I bought the house two years ago.
  或者說:I have had the house for two years.
  或者說:It’s two years since I bought the house.
  但是非延續(xù)性動詞的否定式可以和表示一段時間的時間狀語連用,表示這種動作的否定狀態(tài)的延續(xù)。如:I haven’t bought anything for a week / since you left.
  5. 同學(xué)們應(yīng)當(dāng)特別注意的是,現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)是一個屬于現(xiàn)在時態(tài)的范疇,所以它可以和包括“現(xiàn)在時刻”在內(nèi)的時間狀語連用。如:
  Now, today, this morning / week / month / year, by now, so far, up to now, already, before, just, ever, never, always, recently, lately.等等。如:
  I have done nothing today. 我今天什么事情也沒有干。
  We have had four lessons this morning.
  Have you seen her before?  你以前見過他嗎?
  6.當(dāng)強(qiáng)調(diào)行為的行為時間、執(zhí)行者、行為方式、行為場所、行為原因時,句中一般用一般過去時,而不用或者很少用現(xiàn)在完成時,間或用現(xiàn)在完成時也是為了強(qiáng)調(diào)結(jié)果。如:Who did it? How did he do it? Why did he do it? Where did he do it? When did he do it?
例1 I don’t think the girl is right, ________ ________?
  A. do I B. is she C. isn\'t she D. does she
  解析 答案B。一般來說含有賓語從句的句子改為反意疑問句時,疑問部分常與主句的主謂語要一致,但主句的主語是第一人稱時,疑問部分常與從句的主謂要一致。本句中從句的動詞為be,且前面表示否定,這樣A、C、D都不合題意,B是正確答案。
例2 單項選擇填空
( ) 1. The old writer lives ________, but he doesn\'t feel ________.
  A. alone; alone B. alone; lonely  C. lonely; lonely D. lonely; alone
( )2. There are bookshops on ________ side of the street. _________ of them do not close till midnight. A. both; All     B. every; None  C. either; Some   D. other; Many
( )3. I don’t like this movie, ________.  A. either  B. neither  C. too  D. also
( ) 4. I don’t know if he ________ tomorrow. If he ________, I’ll call you.
  A. comes; comes B. will come; will come C. will come; comes D. comes; will come
  1.B. alone可用做副詞,意思是“單獨(dú)的;獨(dú)自的”。形容詞lonely可作表語,意思是“孤獨(dú)的;寂寞的”,指心理上感到寂寞、孤獨(dú)等。
  2.C.“在街道兩邊”要說on half sides of the street或者 on either side of the street。選項 A中的 both不能接side。選項B中的every表示三者和三者以上的每一個,故B不符合題意。如果要表達(dá)“在街道的另一邊”應(yīng)為on the other side of the street。選項D中other前沒有冠詞the.因此選C。
例3 下列各句A、B、C、D中有一處錯誤,將錯處序號填入題前括號內(nèi)并在后面橫線上寫出正確的答案
( ) 1. How long have the Whites arrived in China?________
    A      B    C D
( ) 2. Wang Qiu was too tired to do something else by then.________
           A     B   C  D
( ) 3. I could hear him speaking to myself in the sitting - room .________
     A      B    C      D
( ) 4. The plane arrived in nine past nine the day before yesterday.________
        A  B    C      D
( )5. He could able to tell us what had happened over there.______
       A     B    C    D
( )6. Tom is well at English, but a little weak in Chinese.________
       A     B   C  D
  5.A,was able to,can與be able to在一般情況下可以互換使用,但兩者無論在任何情況下都不能合用。
  6.A,good,be good at是個固定詞語,它相當(dāng)于do well in,兩者中間的good與well不能混用。
例4 就下列各句劃線部分提問
 1) My mother paid fifty yuan for the skirt.______ _____ did your mother ______ for the skirt?
 2) I don’t like summer because it’s too hot. ________ ________ you like summer?
 3) I have been to Shanghai twice. ________ ________ ________ have you been to Shanghai?
 4) It’s going to be rainy tomorrow.____ _____ the weather going to ____ _____ tomorrow?
 5) Sam has stayed in Beijing two months.______ _____ months has Sam stayed in Beijing?
 6) All that afternoon Ted jumped and sang all kinds of songs.
 ________ ________ Ling Feng ________ all that afternoon?
  就謂語提問時,無論是及物動詞帶賓語或是不及物動詞,問句都以what開頭,并以do的適當(dāng)形式代替謂語動詞。同時,助動詞也要根據(jù)需要變化形式。就賓語提問時,表示人的疑問詞用whom或who,表示物的用what或which。就狀語提問時,表示時間的通常用when,表示地點的用 where,表示原因的用why,表示程度或方式的用how。就定語提問時,修飾主語的,問句語序不變,就修飾賓語或表語的定語提問,必須把代替它的疑問詞和它所修飾的詞一起提到句首。問誰的用whose,問哪個用which或What,問數(shù)量用how many(可數(shù))或how many(不可數(shù)),問次數(shù)的用how many times等。
答案為: l) How, much, pay 2) Why, don’t 3) How, many, times.
  4) What, is, be, like 5) How, many 6) What, did, do 7) How, old

四、習(xí)題精選 初三英語總復(fù)習(xí)單元自查練習(xí)(UNIT 6)疑難解答。(本習(xí)題課前發(fā)給學(xué)生)
I. 詞語練習(xí)
  A) 從下列各題所給的三個選項中選擇與句中劃線部分意思最接近的解釋。
( )1. We have been to the Great Wall twice before.  A.two times  B. twins  C. already
( )2. You can borrow the book, but you must return it on time.
  A. get it back B. give it back C. take it bake
( )3. Hold on for a moment, please. A. Come on  B. Rest  C. Wait
( )4. Tom’s mother is ill. We must send for the doctor at once.
  A. go to see the doctor   B. ask the doctor to come  C. take her to the doctor
( )5. This question is easy to answer.    A. important  B. not difficult  C. hard
( )6. The plane arrived in Moscow on time yesterday. A.reached B. got in C. visited
參考答案:1—6 A B C B B A
  B) 根據(jù)句意選擇適當(dāng)?shù)脑~語填空。
  1. ________ me to introduce my friends to you. (promise, allow)
  2. ________ you use it, it won’t break.
  He tired to his best to run as fast as I, ________ he is too weak. (however, but)
  3. ________ the method doesn’t work, let’s try another. (since, because)
  4. I remember seeing her ________ last year. (sometime, sometimes)
  5. I wish I could swim ________ you. The twins are dressed ________. (like, alike )
參考答案:1.allow2.However, but 3.Since 4.sometime 5.like; alike
II. 根據(jù)中文提示,完成下列句子,每空一詞,縮寫詞算一詞。
  If you don’t work hard, you will __________ ___________ the other students.
  Li Lei and Lin Tao passed on their sticks at _________ _________ time.
  I _________ go to bed _________ my mother came back last night.
  It ________ me one hour and a half ________ finish my homework the day before yesterday.
5、我認(rèn)為他今天不會來了。I _________ _________ he will come today.
6、和數(shù)學(xué)相比,我更喜歡科學(xué)。I _________ science better _________ maths.
參考答案:1. fall, behind 2.the same 3.didn’t, until 4.took, to 5.don’t think 6.prefer, to
III. 單項選擇
( ) 1 She ____ talking with the headmaster now. A. am B. are C. is D. were
( ) 2. His full name is John Henry Brown. You can call him ____.
  A. Mr Brown  B. Mr John  C. Mr Henry  D. Mr John Henry
( ) 3. Thomas Edison was born ____ 1847. A. on B. at C. to D. in
( ) 4. Tom is young, ____ he knows a lot. A. and B. so C. but D. or
( ) 5. There’s some water in the bottle, ________ there? A. is B, isn’t C. are D. aren’t
( ) 6 Miss Yang asks her students ____ English every morning.
  A. read    B. reading  C. to read  D. reads
( ) 7.— “Where’s Jim?”     —“He ___ to the library.”
  A. went B. has gone C. has been D. goes
( ) 8. Could you tell me ___ ?
  A. the train leaves when B. when does the train leave
  C. when leaves the train D. when the train leaves
( )9. I have two books. ____ of them are interesting. A. Both B. Every C. One D. All
( )10.—“Hi, Tom! We won the relay race yesterday.”  —“____________!”
  A. Excuse me. B. Congratulations  C. Never mind D. Good idea
( )11.They will go to work on the farm if it ________ rain tomorrow.
  A. isn’t B. doesn’t C. won’t D. don’t
( )12. I have ________ to tell you.
  A. something important B. important something
  C. anything important D. important anything
參考答案: 1—5 C A D C B  6—10 C B D A B 11—12 B A
IV. 完型填空
A Uncle Wang works in a factory. He has worked there since the factory opened in 1949. Every year the __1__ from the school nearby visit it, and last November it was Class 3’s __2__ .
  One morning, Uncle Wang welcomed the students when they __3__. He told them that the factory made many kinds of useful things, for example, bicycle parts and tractor parts. Then he showed them around the __4__.
  They came to No. 1. Machine Shop first. There were different kinds of __5__ there. Some of them were cutting machines and they cut big pieces of metal into __6__ ones. Uncle Wang told the students not to touch the machines, because they were __7__.
  The students then followed Uncle Wang to see a big and noisy machine in another __8_ of the shop. It was a machine that joined the metal pieces together. The students saw some workers working there, in thick clothes and with glasses over their __9__. “What are they making?” asked Li Lei. Lucy was __10__ enough to say, “They are making ladders!”
( ) 1. A. workers  B. soldiers  C. doctors  D. students
( ) 2. A. day    B. week    C. turn    D. year
( ) 3. A. finished  B. visited   C. arrived  D. went
( ) 4. A. factory  B. school   C. park    D. station
( ) 5. A. machines  B. bicycles  C. tractors  D. buses
( ) 6. A. light   B. heavy    C. small   D. large
( ) 7. A. safe    B. dangerous  C. interesting D. important
( ) 8. A. corner   B. field    C. village   D. city
( ) 9. A. ears    B. eyes    C. noses    D mouths
( ) 10. A. clever  B. happy    C. hungry    D. beautiful
參考答案: 1---5 D C C A A 6---10 C B A C A
B One Saturday morning a careless car–driver threw a lighted cigarette (點著的香煙) out of his car ten kilometres west of the small Canadian town of Stanton. The trees at the side of the road was dry because there had been no _1_ for many days. A few minutes later the trees were on fire( 火).
  A truck driver saw the fire when he was on his _2_ to Stanton. As soon as he reached the town, he told the police about it. Soon fire fighters were _3_ westwards. When they reached the fire, they saw that it was very big. It could not spread(蔓延) to the north because there was a _4 _ or to the south because there was a wide river. But a west wind was carrying the _5 _ to Stanton and the fire fighters could not _6 _ it. Then, one of the fire fighters sent a _7 _ back to the town by radio.
  Lots of people hurried to a place about half a kilometre west of the town. There they would use dynamite(炸藥) to blow down the _8 _ and to clear a wide path(小路) through the trees. When the fire reached the path it began to die down because there was nothing _9 _ to burn (燃燒). _10 _ several hours they put out the fire and save the town.
( ) 1. A. wind   B. rain   C. snow  D. cold
( ) 2. A. way    B. road   C. street D. work
( ) 3. A. going   B. hurrying C. getting D. coming
( ) 4. A. park   B. building C. zoo   D. lake
( ) 5. A. trees   B. fire   C. truck  D. car
( ) 6. A. help   B. save   C. get   D. stop
( ) 7. A. paper   B. message  C. book  D. letter
( ) 8. A. trees   B. hills   C. houses D. walls
( ) 9. A. left   B. bad    C. serious D. good
( ) 10. A. For   B. Before  C. until  D. After
參考答案: 1---5 B A D D B 6---10 D B B A D
V. 改錯 下列各句中都有一個錯誤,請按下列要求改正:
  1. The policeman stoped the truck at the traffic lights._________
  2. He draws as good as his brother._________
  3. He got up early on this morning._________
  4. I will be back in half a hour._________
  5. She is the more popular singer in China._________
  6. We can see a lot people in the park._________
  1. The policeman stoped the truck at the traffic lights.__stopped__
  2. He draws as good as his brother.___well____
  3. He got up early on this morning.___on_____
  4. I will be back in half a hour.___an_____
  5. She is the more popular singer in China.___most___
  6. We can see a lot ∧ people in the park.___of_____
Ⅵ. 書面表達(dá)
A) 根據(jù)中英文提示,用英文寫一段話,要求不少于四句,所給的詞語都必須用上。
  it, snow heavily, yesterday afternoon.  on one’s way home, see, an old woman, fall down
  Luckily, not badly hurt  help, stand, take ... to hospital
  It snowed heavily yesterday afternoon. Lilei was on his way home. He saw an old woman fall down. Luckily, she was not badly hurt. Lilei helped the old lady stand up and took her to hospital.
B) 根據(jù)中英文提示,寫出意思連貫,符合邏輯的英語短文。所給的英語提示語必須都用上。
Mr White, called for, unfortunately(不幸地), a road accident, happen, a traffic jam, wait, a long time, get, office, already, 10 o\'clock am, manager, angry, tell, late again, change another job, sorry
  Mr White got up late yesterday morning, so he missed the train. He called for a taxi. Unfortunately it happened a road accident. There was a traffic jam. Mr White waited for a long time. When he got to the office, it was already 10 o\'clock am. His manager was very angry. He told Mr White that if he was late again, he’d better change another job. Mr White was so sorry after hear that.
not, enough, lose, be not able to, home, here and there, but, not, at last, has to, home, with, on him
  John isn’t careful enough. (isn’t a careful enough boy. ) One day he lost the key to his bike and wasn’t able to go home by bike. His friend Tom helped him look for it here and there, but they couldn’t find it. At last, John had to walk home with his bike on him.

2、完成練習(xí):初三英語總復(fù)習(xí)單元自查練習(xí)(UNIT 7)









