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英語作文:讀研On Attending Graduate College

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英語作文:讀研On Attending Graduate College(精選11篇)

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英語作文:讀研On Attending Graduate College(精選11篇)

  英語作文:讀研On Attending Graduate College 1

  It is a prevailing trend that an increasing number of students choose to continue their study by attending graduate college. This phenomenon causes people’s attention. Some people believe that students can obtain more knowledge to broaden their eyes. But others don’t thinks so. They think student should go to do work rather than further their study. From my point of view, I think students can benefit from their continued study.


  Firstly, students will get more knowledge by attending graduate college. During the first stage of college study, students just get a comprehensive impression about what they learn. However, they don’t have specific knowledge to solve the complicated problems relating to their major. If they attend graduate college, then they will learn more specific knowledge so that they can handle things more professional.


  Secondly, graduate students can get better jobs and higher pay than graduates. It is quite common that graduate students with higher education background will be more popular among job market than college students. Besides, if a master and a graduate are hired by the same job position, then t he master will get higher pay than the graduate.


  All in all, not only students can learn more but also they can get higher pay and better job offer if they have master’s degree.


  英語作文:讀研On Attending Graduate College 2

  Nowadays, many college students choose further study when they graduate, the rich students study abroad, while some continue their study in China. Actually, the latter are most favored. Being a postgraduate is most students goal, every year the number of the postgraduate exam participant increases, we can find students trend to further study instead of work, while most students cant say out why they make such decision, whether is it good to further study remains being considered.


  The reason why the students choose to be a postgraduate is mainly the working pressure. As the job competition is fierce, students have no idea what to do and are afraid of the future, so they on the hope that further study can make them avoid the pressure. If a student to be a postgraduate out of such reason, I think he or she is not suitable to study further, they will be lost themselves any way, study cant bring them security. They should come over their fear and go to work, thats the right decision they should make.


  If a student really loves to study and wants to work on the field of education, further study is the wise decision. Only with enthusiasm can a student live with happiness. The life of a postgraduate is not easy, they have so profound books to read, it is so hard, only with passion can a student live with it.


  Being a postgraduate is not easy, students should measure themselves from interest and ability to decide whether it is right to further study.


  英語作文:讀研On Attending Graduate College 3

  every year, million of college students will sit in for the post-graduate entrance eamination. more and more students have regarded the pursuing of a master degree as an indispensable part of their education.

  what is to account for their enthusiasm for a post-graduate diploma? first, it is the demand of the second, we all recognize that the more education you have, the more likely you are to succeed. compared with those without a master degree, masters will enjoy more preferential treatment, for eample, better salaries, more opportunities for promotion and training. a post-graduate degree can guarantee a more promising career.

  last but not least, with the graduation of a large number of college students, competition for jobs becomes more and more fierce. one way to gain some advantage over others is to have a higher degree.

  no wonder millions of students will consider pursuing a post-graduate degree.

  英語作文:讀研On Attending Graduate College 4

  A growing number of college students and evenpeople from all walks of life take part in the National Graduate Entrance Examination nowadays.According to an official statistics, in the year 2011 alone, there were more than 1.4 millionapplicants sitting for the exam. It seems to be a craze for postgraduate study.

  People have different purposes in trying to go to the graduate school. First, the majority ofcandidates try to get into graduate school due to the employment pressure, as a bachelor’sdegree is no longer evaluated as a sufficient qualification to ensure a decent job nowadays.Second, some people, though employed for years, find their knowledge inadequate to meetthe demand of this ever-developing society. Naturally, they turn to postgraduate study. Third,some people see postgraduate study as a fashion and follow suit.

  In my opinion, it is advisable to pursue postgraduate study under the present condition oflow

  Employment rate and high demands on talents. And I have every reason to believe thatmore people will struggle to study in the graduate school and the craze for graduate study willlast for years.

  英語作文:讀研On Attending Graduate College 5

  rush for postgraduate studynowadays more and more college graduates decide to pursue postgraduate study on the eve of their graduation. from the table, we can see that in , there were only 3,900,000 million applicants participating in the eam.

  the recent statistics show that the applicants have increased greatly with a total number of 7,970,000last year and 9,450,00 this year.the great change which has taken place is chiefly due to the following reasons. first, college graduates have to face a tight job market, which is increasingly competitive because a huge number of them will go job-hunting. confronted with the tough job-seeking, more and nore graduates turn to further education for a better future. in addition, there also a number of students who really want to continue their studies at graduate schools to deepen their knowledge in a particular field.what’s the net stop of those college graduates? in my opinion, receiving further education is a good solution for the college graduates.

  but it’s still up to those graduates who have a good knowledge of themselves to make the final choice.

  英語作文:讀研On Attending Graduate College 6

  nowadays more and more college graduates decide to pursue postgraduate study on the eve of their graduation. from the table, we can see that in 2000 , there were only 3,900,000 million applicants participating in the exam. the recent statistics show that the applicants have increased greatly with a total number of 7,970,000last year and 9,450,00 this year.

  the great change which has taken place is chiefly due to the following reasons. first, college graduates have to face a tight job market, which is increasingly competitive because a huge number of them will go job-hunting. confronted with the tough job-seeking, more and nore graduates turn to further education for a better future. in addition, there also a number of students who really want to continue their studies at graduate schools to deepen their knowledge in a particular field.

  what’s the next stop of those college graduates? in my opinion, receiving further education is a good solution for the college graduates. but it’s still up to those graduates who have a good knowledge of themselves to make the final choice.

  英語作文:讀研On Attending Graduate College 7

  nowadays more and more college graduates decide to pursue postgraduate study on the eve of their graduation. from the table, we can see that in , there were only 3,900,000 million applicants participating in the eam. the recent statistics show that the applicants have increased greatly with a total number of 7,970,000last year and 9,450,00 this year.

  the great change which has taken place is chiefly due to the following reasons. first, college graduates have to face a tight job market, which is increasingly competitive because a huge number of them will go job-hunting. confronted with the tough job-seeking, more and nore graduates turn to further education for a better future. in addition, there also a number of students who really want to continue their studies at graduate schools to deepen their knowledge in a particular field.

  what’s the net stop of those college graduates? in my opinion, receiving further education is a good solution for the college graduates. but it’s still up to those graduates who have a good knowledge of themselves to make the final choice.

  英語作文:讀研On Attending Graduate College 8

  rush for postgraduate studynowadays more and more college graduates decide to pursue postgraduate study on the eve of their graduation. from the table, we can see that in , there were only 3,900,000 million applicants participating in the eam. the recent statistics show that the applicants have increased greatly with a total number of 7,970,000last year and 9,450,00 this year.

  the great change which has taken place is chiefly due to the following reasons. first, college graduates have to face a tight job market, which is increasingly competitive because a huge number of them will go job-hunting. confronted with the tough job-seeking, more and nore graduates turn to further education for a better future.

  in addition, there also a number of students who really want to continue their studies at graduate schools to deepen their knowledge in a particular field.what’s the net stop of those college graduates? in my opinion, receiving further education is a good solution for the college graduates. but it’s still up to those graduates who have a good knowledge of themselves to make the final choice.

  英語作文:讀研On Attending Graduate College 9

  If you are preparing for Graduate Enrolment Exams (GEE), you are in good company. You are among tens of thousands of college students who focus their energy and efforts on it. You are living in the time of the great GEE boommwhich began in the late 1980B As a result of the boom, every senior or even junior interested in GEE seems to be preparing for itg What caused the GEE fever ⅡThe reasons vary. Some students intend to have advanced studies. Many more go to pursue a higher degree which may get them a better job rather than subjects they enjoy. Over the past decade, graduates with masters degrees earn many credits in intensive job market. They are valued and provided with preferential (優(yōu)惠的,優(yōu)先的) treatment, including high salaries, sound research facilities, residential conditions etc.

  GEE now means more than just getting another qualification. Tomorrows challenge is for students to catch up and close the gap today. The idea of advanced study is exciting because it makes learning a constant adventure. Students consider it a lifestyle as well as a special way to look for jobs. Their thinking skills give them the power to set their own goals and the confidence to achieve them.

  英語作文:讀研On Attending Graduate College 10

  every year, million of college students will sit in for the post-graduate entrance examination. more and more students have regarded the pursuing of a master degree as an indispensable part of their education.

  what is to account for their enthusiasm for a post-graduate diploma? first, it is the demand of the second, we all recognize that the more education you have, the more likely you are to succeed. compared with those without a master degree, masters will enjoy more preferential treatment, for example, better salaries, more opportunities for promotion and training. a post-graduate degree can guarantee a more promising career.

  last but not least, with the graduation of a large number of college students, competition for jobs becomes more and more fierce. one way to gain some advantage over others is to have a higher degree.

  no wonder millions of students will consider pursuing a post-graduate degree.

  英語作文:讀研On Attending Graduate College 11

  In recent years, there have been great concerns over the life attitude of the youngsters. As is depicted in the picture above, facing a bottle with most the wine spilled out on the ground, one man is sighing the tragedy, whereas the other rejoices over the remained wine in the bottle。

  The real implications of the picture lies in that different attitude leads to completely diverse results. For optimistic people, they could find the happiness even facing the most difficult situation. And life is a comedy. Conversely, for people with pessimistic attitude, troubles are everywhere and always exist. Their lives is filled with one after another tragedies。

  To my best understanding, the story of Den Yaping could be the best illustration of this point. If she kept upset by her stature, she could not have achieved so much in table tennis. All in all, young people should bear in mind that "better to light a candle than to curse the darkness".

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